Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/756

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112 STAT. 2586 PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 any fiscal year, the Secretary may use up to 2 percent for technical assistance or contract expertise. Such assistance or contract expertise may be provided directly or indirectly by grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements, and shall include training, and the cost of necessary travel for participants in such training, by or to officials of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, of public housing agencies, and of residents. "(n) SUNSET.— No assistance may be provided under this section after September 30, 2002.". 42 USC I437v (b) APPLICABILITY. —The amendment made by this section is notemade on, and shall apply beginning upon, the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 536. HOMEOWNERSHIP. Title I of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.), as amended by the preceding provisions of this Act, is further amended by adding at the end the following new section: 42 USC 1437Z-4. "SEC. 32. RESIDENT HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMS. "(a) IN GENERAL. —^A public housing agency may carry out a homeownership program in accordance with this section and the public housing agency plan of the agency to make public housing dwelling units, public housing projects, and other housing projects available for purchase by low-income families for use only as principal residences for such families. An agency may transfer a unit pursuant to a homeownership program only if the program is authorized under this section and approved by the Secretary. "(b) PARTICIPATING UNITS. — ^A program under this section may cover any existing public housing dwelling units or projects, and may include other dwelling units and housing owned, assisted, or operated, or otherwise acquired for use under such program, by the public housing agency. "(c) ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS.— "(1) LOW-INCOME REQUIREMENT.— Only low-income families assisted by a public housing agency, other low-income families, and entities formed to facilitate such sales by purchasing units for resale to low-income families shall be eligible to purchase housing under a homeownership program under this section. "(2) OTHER REQUIREMENTS.— ^A public housing agency may establish other requirements or limitations for families to purchase housing under a homeownership program under this section, including requirements or limitations regarding employment or participation in employment counseling or training activities, criminal activity, participation in homeownership counseling programs, evidence of regular income, and other requirements. In the case of purchase by an entity for resale to low-income families, the entity shall sell the units to lowincome families within 5 years from the date of its acquisition of the units. The entity shall use any net proceeds from the resale and from managing the units, as determined in accordance with guidelines of the Secretary, for housing purposes, such as funding resident organizations and reserves for capital replacements. "(d) RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. —In making any sale under this section, the public housing agency shall initially offer the public housing unit at issue to the resident or residents occupying that