Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/820

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112 STAT. 2650 PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 contributions contract for payments in lieu of taxation pursuant to section 6(d) of such Act. "(2) DESCRIPTION.— Each public housing agency that receives grant amounts under this chapter shall describe, in the report under section 5127(a), such baseline of services for the unit of general local government in which the jurisdiction of the agency is located. "(c) ENFORCEMENT. — The Secretary shall provide for the effective enforcement of this section, which may include the use of on-site monitoring, independent public audit requirements, certification by local law enforcement or local government officials regarding the performance of baseline services referred to in subsection (b), and entering into agreements with the Attorney General to achieve compliance, and verification of compliance, with the provisions of this chapter. 42 USC 11908. "SEC. 5129. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. "(a) IN GENERAL. —There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this chapter $310,000,000 for fiscal year 1999, and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. "(b) SET-ASIDE FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED LOW-INCOME HOUS- ING.— Of any amounts made available in any fiscal year to carry out this chapter not more than 6.25 percent shall be available for grants for federally assisted low-income housing. "(c) SET-ASIDE FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND PROGRAM OVER- SIGHT.—Of any amounts appropriated in any fiscal year to carry out this chapter, amounts shall be available to the extent provided in appropriations Acts to provide training, technical assistance, contract expertise, program oversight, program assessment, execution, and other assistance for or on behalf of public housing agencies, recipients of assistance under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996, resident organizations, and officials and employees of the Department (including training and the cost of necessary travel for participants in such training, by or to officials and employees of the Department and of public housing agencies, and to residents and to other eligible grantees). Assistance and other activities carried out using amounts made available under this subsection may be provided directly or indirectly by grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.". SEC. 587. REVIEW OF DRUG ELIMINATION PROGRAM CONTRACTS. (a) REQUIREMENT. — The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall investigate all security contracts awarded by grantees under the Public and Assisted Housing Drug Elimination Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 11901 et seq.) that are public housing agencies that own or operate more than 4,500 public housing dwelling units— (1) to determine whether the contractors under such contracts have complied with all laws and regulations regarding prohibition of discrimination in hiring practices; (2) to determine whether such contracts were awarded in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations regarding the award of such contracts; (3) to determine how many such contracts were awarded under emergency contracting procedures; and (4) to evaluate the effectiveness of the contracts. Deadline. (b) REPORT. —Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall complete the investigation 42 USC 11907 note.