Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/367

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PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2681-338 for all activities conducted by and through the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee under such Act, $955,000,000 shall be for carrying out title II, part A of such Act, and $129,965,000 shall be for carrying out title II, part C of such Act: Provided further, That funding appropriated herein under authority of part B of title III of the Job Training Partnership Act includes $5,000,000 for use by The Organizing Committee for The 1999 Special Olympics World Summer Games to promote employment opportunities for individuals with mental disabilities: Provided further. That the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee is authorized, effective upon enactment, to charge fees for publications, training and technical assistance developed by the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee: Provided further. That revenues received from publications and delivery of technical assistance and training, notwithstanding 31 U.S.C. 3302, shall be credited to the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee program account and shall be available to the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee without further appropriations, so long as such revenues are used for authorized activities of the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee: Provided further, That no funds from any other appropriation shall be used to provide meal services at or for Job Corps centers: Provided further. That funds provided for title III of the Job Training Partnership Act shall not be subject to the limitation contained in subsection (b) of section 315 of such Act; that the waiver described in section 315(a)(2) may be granted if a substate grantee demonstrates to the Governor that such waiver is appropriate due to the availability of lowcost retraining services, is necessary to facilitate the provision of needs-related payments to accompany long-term training, or is necessary to facilitate the provision of appropriate basic readjustment services; and that funds provided for discretionary grants under part B of such title III may be used to provide needs-related payments to participants who, in lieu of meeting the enrollment requirements under section 314(e) of such Act, are enrolled in training by the end of the sixth week after grant funds have been awarded: Provided further. That funds provided to carry out section 324 of such Act may be used for demonstration projects that provide assistance to new entrants in the workforce and incumbent workers: Provided further. That service-delivery areas may transfer funding provided herein under authority of title II, parts B and C of the Job Training Partnership Act between the programs authorized by those titles of the Act, if the transfer is approved by the Governor: Provided further, That service delivery areas and substate areas may transfer up to 20 percent of the funding provided herein under authority of title II, part A and title III of the Job Training Partnership Act between the programs authorized by those titles of the Act, if such transfer is approved by the Governor: Provided further. That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any proceeds from the sale of Job Corps center facilities shall be retained by the Secretary of Labor to carry out the Job Corps program: Provided further. That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Labor may waive any of the statutory or regulatory requirements of titles I-III of the Job Training Partnership Act (except for requirements relating to wage and labor standeirds, worker rights, participation and protection, grievance procedures and judicial review, nondiscrimination, allocation of