Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/851

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PUBLIC LAW 105-393—NOV. 13, 1998 112 STAT. 3609 "(A) in sponsoring and assisting district economic planning and economic development groups; and "(B) in assisting the district groups in formulating comprehensive economic development strategies for districts; and "(3) encourage participation by appropriate local government entities in the economic development districts. " SEC. 402. TERMINATION OR MODIFICATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOP- MENT DISTRICTS. "The Secretary shall, by regulation, promulgate standards for the termination or modification of the designation of economic development districts. " SEC. 403. INCENTIVES. "(a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the non-Federal share requirement under section 205(c)(1), the Secretary may increase the amount of grant assistance for a project in an economic development district by an amount that does not exceed 10 percent of the cost of the project, in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary shall promulgate, if— "(1) the project applicant is actively participating in the economic development activities of the district; and "(2) the project is consistent with the comprehensive economic development strategy of the district. "(b) REVIEW OF INCENTIVE SYSTEM.— In promulgating regulations under subsection (a), the Secretary shall review the current incentive system to ensure that the system is administered in the most direct and effective manner to achieve active participation by project applicants in the economic development activities of economic development districts. "SEC. 404. PROVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOP- MENT STRATEGIES TO APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COMMIS- SION. "If any part of an economic development district is in the Appalachian region (as defined in section 403 of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (40 U.S.C. App.)), the economic development district shall ensure that a copy of the comprehensive economic development strategy of the district is provided to the Appalachian Regional Commission established under that Act. "SEC. 405. ASSISTANCE TO PARTS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIS- TRICTS NOT IN ELIGIBLE AREAS. "Notwithstanding section 301, the Secretary may provide such assistance as is available under this Act for a project in a part of an economic development district that is not in an area described in section 301(a), if the project will be of a substantial direct benefit to an area described in section 301(a) that is located in the district. Regulations. 42 USC 3172. Regulations. 42 USC 3173. 42 USC 3174. 42 USC 3175.