113 STAT. 1056 PUBLIC LAW 106-74—OCT. 20, 1999 42 USC 1437f note. Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 or the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990: Provided further, That of the total amount provided under this heading, $40,000,000 shall be made available to nonelderly disabled families affected by the designation of a public housing development under section 7 of such Act, the establishment of preferences in accordance with section 651 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13611), or the restriction of occupancy to elderly families in accordance with section 658 of such Act, and to the extent the Secretary determines that such amount is not needed to fund applications for such affected families, to other nonelderly disabled families: Provided further, That amounts available under this heading may be made available for administrative fees and other expenses to cover the cost of administering rental assistance programs under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937: Provided further. That the fee otherwise authorized under section 8(q) of such Act shall be determined in accordemce with section 8(q), as in effect immediately before the enactment of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998: Provided further. That all balances for the section 8 rental assistance, section 8 counseling, section 8 new construction, section 8 substsmtial rehabilitation, relocation/replacement/demolition, section 23 conversions, rental and disaster vouchers, loeui management set-aside, section 514 technical assistance, and other programs previously funded within the "Annual Contributions" account shall be treinsferred to this account, to be available for the purposes for which they were originadly appropriated: Provided further, That all balances in the "Section 8 Reserve Preservation" account shall be transferred to this account, to be available for the purposes for which they were originally appropriated: Provided further. That the unexpended Eimounts previously appropriated for special pm*- pose grants within the "Annual Contributions for Assisted Housing" account shall be recaptured and transferred to this account, to be available for assistance under the Act for use in connection with expiring or terminating section 8 subsidy contracts: Provided further. That of the amounts previously appropriated for property disposition within the "Annual Contributions for Assisted Housing' account, up to $79,000,000 shall be transferred to this account, to be available for assistance under the Act for use in connection with expiring or terminating section 8 subsidy contracts: Provided further. That of the unexpended amounts previously appropriated for carrying out the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 and the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987, other than amounts made available for rental assistance, within the "Annual Contributions for Assisted Housing" and "Preserving Existing Housing Investments" accounts, shall be recaptured and transferred to this account, to be available for assistance under the Act for use in connection with expiring or terminating section 8 subsidy contracts: Provided further. That of the total amount provided under this heading, $346,560,000 shall be made available for incrementgJ vouchers under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 on a fair share basis and administered by public housing agencies: Provided further. That of the balances remaining from funds appropriated under this heading or the heading "Annual Contributions for Assisted Housing" dining fiscal year 2000 and prior years, $2,243,000,000 is rescinded: Provided further. That of the amoiuit