Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 2.djvu/515

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PUBLIC LAW 106-113—NOV. 29, 1999 113 STAT. 1535 "—$500,000 to the City of Citrus Heights, Cahfornia for the revitalization of the Sunrise Mall;" is amended to read as follows: "—$500,000 to the City of Citrus Heights, California for the revitalization of the Sunrise Marketplace;". (f) The Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000 (Public Law 106-74) is amended under the heading "Corporation for National and Community Service, National and Community Service Programs Operating Expenses" in title III by striking "to Ante, p. 1078. remain available until September 30, 2000" and inserting "to remain available until September 30, 2001". (g) The statement of the managers of the committee of conference accompanying H.R. 2684 (Public Law 106-74; House Report No. 106-379) is deemed to be amended in the matter related to targeted economic development initiatives under the heading "Community Development Block Grants" by reducing by $100,000 the amount available to the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland for the renovation of the James McGregor Burn Academy of Leadership, and by adding the following item: "—$100,000 to St. Mary's College in Maryland for the St. Mary's River Project;". SEC. 176. GEORGETOWN WATERFRONT PARK FUND, (a) IN GEN- ERAL.— The District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1999 (Public Law 105-277; 112 Stat. 2681-123) is amended in the item relating to "FEDERAL FUNDS—Federal Payment to the Georgetown Waterfront Park Fund" by striking the colon and inserting ", to remain available until expended:". (b) EFFECTIVE DATE. — This section shall take effect as if included in the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1999. This title may be cited as the "District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000". TITLE II—TAX REDUCTION SEC. 201. COMMENDING REDUCTION OF TAXES BY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Congress commends the District of Columbia for its action to reduce taxes, and ratifies D.C. Act 13-110 (commonly known as the Service Improvement and Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Support Act of 1999). SEC. 202. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in this title may be construed to limit the ability of the Council of the District of Columbia to amend or repeal any provision of law described in this title. DIVISION B SEC. 1000. (a) The provisions of the following bills are hereby Incorporation by enacted into law: reference. (1) H.R. 3421 of the 106th Congress, as introduced on November 17, 1999; of the 106th Congress, as introduced on (2) H.R. 3422 November 17, 1999 (3) H.R. 3423 November 17, 1999 (4) H.R. 3424 November 17, 1999 of the 106th Congress, as introduced on of the 106th Congress, as introduced on