Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/148

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114 STAT. 112 PUBLIC LAW 106-181—APR. 5, 2000 Effective date. 49 USC 41714 note. "(1) before October 1, 1999, the Secretary received a written air service termination notice for that route; or "(2) after September 30, 1999, the air carrier submits an air service termination notice under section 41719 for that route and the Secretary determines that the carrier suffered excessive losses, including substantial losses on operations on that route during the calendar quarters immediately preceding submission of the notice.". (2) ELIMINATION OF BASIC ESSENTIAL AIR SERVICE EXEMP- TION LIMIT. —Section 41714(a)(3) is amended by striking "; except that" and all that follows through "132 slots". (3) PROHIBITION OF SLOT WITHDRAWALS. — Section 41714(b)(2) is amended— (A) by inserting "at Chicago O'Hare International Airport" after "a slot"; and (B) by striking "if the withdrawal" and all that follows through "1993". (4) CONVERSIONS.— Section 41714(b)(4) is amended to read as follows: "(4) CONVERSIONS OF SLOTS.—Effective May 1, 2000, slots at Chicago O'Hare International Airport allocated to an air carrier as of November 1, 1999, to provide foreign air transportation shall be made available to such carrier to provide interstate or intrastate air transportation.". (5) RETURN OF WITHDRAWN SLOTS.— The Secretary shall return any slot withdrawn from an air carrier under section 41714(b) of title 49, United States Code, before the date of the enactment of this Act, to that carrier on April 30, 2000. (e) SPECIAL RULES AFFECTING REAGAN WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Chapter 417 (as amended by subsection (d) of this section) is further amended by inserting after section 41717 the following: "§41718. Special rules for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport "(a) BEYOND-PERIMETER EXEMPTIONS.—The Secretary shall grant, by order, 12 exemptions from the application of sections 49104(a)(5), 49109, 49111(e), and 41714 of this title to air carriers to operate limited frequencies and aircraft on select routes between Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and domestic hub airports and exemptions from the requirements of subparts K and S of part 93, Code of Federal Regulations, if the Secretary finds that the exemptions will— "(1) provide air transportation with domestic network benefits in areas beyond the perimeter described in that section; "(2) increase competition by new entrant air carriers or in multiple markets; "(3) not reduce travel options for communities served by small hub airports and medium hub airports within the perimeter described in section 49109; and "(4) not result in meaningfully increased travel delays. "(b) WITHIN-PERIMETER EXEMPTIONS. —The Secretary shall grant, by order, 12 exemptions from the requirements of sections 49104(a)(5), 49111(e), and 41714 of this title and subparts K and S of part 93 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, to air carriers for providing air transportation to airports that were designated