Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/298

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114 STAT. 262 PUBLIC LAW 106-200—MAY 18, 2000 President. (B) ADDITIONAL APPAREL ARTICLES. — At the request of any interested party and subject to the following requirements, the President is authorized to proclaim the treatment provided under subparagraph (A) for yarns or fabrics not described in subparagraph (A) if— (i) the President determines that such yams or fabrics cannot be supplied by the domestic industry in commercial quantities in a timely manner; (ii) the President has obtained advice regarding the proposed action from the appropriate advisory committee established under section 135 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2155) and the United States International Trade Commission; Deadline. (iii) within 60 calendar days after the request, Reports. the President has submitted a report to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate that sets forth— (I) the action proposed to be proclaimed and the reasons for such action; and (II) the advice obtained under clause (ii); (iv) a period of 60 calendar days, beginning with the first day on which the President has met the requirements of subclauses (I) and (II) of clause (iii), has expired; and (v) the President has consulted with such committees regarding the proposed action during the period referred to in clause (iii). (6) HANDLOOMED, HANDMADE, AND FOLKLORE ARTICLES.— A handloomed, handmade, or folklore article of a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country or countries that is certified as such by the competent authority of such beneficiary country President. or countries. For purposes of this paragraph, the President, after consultation with the beneficiary sub-Saharan African country or countries concerned, shall determine which, if any, particular textile and apparel goods of the country (or countries) shall be treated as being handloomed, handmade, or folklore articles. President. (c) TREATMENT OF QUOTAS ON TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS Deadlines. FROM KENYA AND MAURITIUS.— The President shall eliminate the existing quotas on textile and apparel articles imported into the United States— (1) from Kenya within 30 days after that country adopts an effective visa system to prevent unlawful transshipment of textile and apparel articles and the use of counterfeit documents relating to the importation of the articles into the United States; and (2) from Mauritius within 30 days after that country adopts such a visa system. The Customs Service shall provide the necessary technical assistance to Kenya and Mauritius in the development and implementation of the visa systems, (d) SPECIAL RULES.— (1) FINDINGS AND TRIMMINGS.— (A) GENERAL RULE.— An article otherwise eligible for preferential treatment under this section shall not be ineligible for such treatment because the article contains