Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/313

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PUBLIC LAW 106-200—MAY 18, 2000 114 STAT. 277 "(A) textile and apparel articles which were not eligible articles for purposes of this title on January 1, 1994, as this title was in effect on that date; "(B) footwear not designated at the time of the effective date of this title as eligible articles for the purpose of the generalized system of preferences under title V of the Trade Act of 1974; "(C) tuna, prepared or preserved in any manner, in airtight containers; "(D) petroleum, or any product derived from petroleum, provided for in headings 2709 and 2710 of the HTS; "(E) watches and watch parts (including cases, bracelets, and straps), of whatever type including, but not limited to, mechanical, quartz digital or quartz analog, if such watches or watch parts contain any material which is the product of any country with respect to which HTS column 2 rates of duty apply; or "(F) articles to which reduced rates of duty apply under subsection (h). "(2) TRANSITION PERIOD TREATMENT OF CERTAIN TEXTILE AND APPAREL ARTICLES.— "(A) ARTICLES COVERED.—During the transition period, the preferential treatment described in subparagraph (B) shall apply to the following articles: "(i) APPAREL ARTICLES ASSEMBLED IN ONE OR MORE CBTPA BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES.— Apparel articles assembled in one or more CBTPA beneficiary countries from fabrics wholly formed and cut in the United States, from yarns wholly formed in the United States, (including fabrics not formed from yams, if such fabrics are classifiable under heading 5602 or 5603 of the HTS and are wholly formed and cut in the United States) that are— "(I) entered under subheading 9802.00.80 of the HTS; or "(II) entered under chapter 61 or 62 of the HTS, if, after such assembly, the articles would have qualified for entry under subheading 9802.00.80 of the HTS but for the fact that the articles were embroidered or subjected to stonewashing, enzyme-washing, acid washing, permapressing, oven-baking, bleaching, garment-dyeing, screen printing, or other similar processes. "(ii) APPAREL ARTICLES CUT ANDASSEMBLED IN ONE OR MORE CBTPA BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES.— Apparel articles cut in one or more CBTPA beneficiary countries from fabric wholly formed in the United States from yarns wholly formed in the United States (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable under heading 5602 or 5603 of the HTS and are wholly formed in the United States), if such articles are assembled in one or more such countries with thread formed in the United States. "(iii) CERTAIN KNIT APPAREL ARTICLES.—(I) Apparel articles knit to shape (other than socks provided for in heading 6115 of the HTS) in a CBTPA beneficiary country from yarns wholly formed in the United States,