Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/396

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114 STAT. 360 PUBLIC LAW 106-224-^JUNE 20, 2000 Sec. 309. Reports. Sec. 310. Termination of authority. TITLE IV—PLANT PROTECTION ACT Sec. 401. Short title. Sec. 402. Findings. Sec. 403. Definitions. SUBTITLE A—PLANT PROTECTION Sec. 411. Regulation of movement of plant pests. Sec. 412. Regulation of movement of plants, plant products, biological control organisms, noxious weeds, articles, and means of conveyance. Sec. 413. Notification and holding requirements upon arrival. Sec. 414. General remedial measures for new plant pests and noxious weeds. Sec. 415. Declaration of extraordinary emergency and resulting authorities. Sec. 416. Recovery of compensation for unauthorized activities. Sec. 417. Control of grasshoppers and mormon crickets. Sec. 418. Certification for e:q)orts. SUBTITLE B—INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Sec. 421. Inspections, seizures, and warrants. Sec. 422. Collection of information. Sec. 423. Subpoena authority. Sec. 424. Penalties for violation. Sec. 425. Enforcement actions of Attorney General. Sec. 426. Court jurisdiction. SUBTITLE C—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 431. Cooperation. Sec. 432. Buildings, land, people, claims, and agreements. Sec. 433. Reimbursable agreements. Sec. 434. Regulations and orders. Sec. 435. Protection for mail handlers. Sec. 436. Preemption. Sec. 437. Severability. Sec. 438. Repeal of superseded laws. SUBTITLE D—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 441. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 442. Transfer authority. TITLE V—INSPECTION ANIMALS Sec. 501. Civil penalty. Sec. 502. Subpoena authority. TITLE I—CROP INSURANCE Subtitle A—Crop Insurance Coverage SEC. 101. PREMIUM SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL COVERAGE. (a) EXPECTED MARKET PRICE.— Section 508(c) of the Federal Crop InsiiTance Act (7 U.S.C. 1508(c)) is amended by striking paragraph (5) and inserting the following: "(5) EXPECTED MARKET PRICE.— "(A) ESTABLISHMENT OR APPROVAL. —For the purposes of this title, the Corporation shall establish or approve the price level (referred to in this title as the 'expected market price') of each agricultural commodity for which insurance is offered. " (B) GENERAL RULE.— Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (C), the expected market price of an agricultural commodity shall be not less than the projected market price of the agricultural commodity, as determined by the Corporation.