Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/636

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114 STAT. 600 PUBLIC LAW 106-248-JULY 25, 2000 other receipts for resource use and development and interest on invested funds. Management and operating expenditures shall include Trustee expenses, salaries and benefits of staff, administrative and operating expenses, improvements to and maintenance of lands and facilities of the Preserve, and other similar expenses. Funds appropriated to the Trust by Congress, either directly or through the Secretary, for the purposes of this title shall not be considered. (5) MULTIPLE USE AND SUSTAINED YIELD.— The term "multiple use and sustained yield" has the combined meaning of the terms "multiple use" and "sustained yield of the several products and services", as defined under the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 (16 U.S.C. 531). (6) PRESERVE. —The term "Preserve" means the Valles Caldera National Preserve established under section 105. (7) SECRETARY. —Except where otherwise provided, the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture. (8) TRUST.—The term "Trust" means the Valles Caldera Trust established under section 106. 16 USC 698V-2. SEC. 104. ACQUISITION OF LANDS. (a) ACQUISITION OF BACA RANCH. — (1) IN GENERAL.—In compliance with the Act of June 15, 1926 (16 U.S.C. 471a), the Secretary is authorized to acquire all or part of the rights, title, and interests in and to approximately 94,761 acres of the Baca ranch, comprising the lands, facilities, and structures referred to as the Baca Location No. 1, and generally depicted on a plat entitled "Independent Resurvey of the Baca Location No. 1", made by L.A. Osterhoudt, W.V. Hall, and Charles W. Devendorf, U.S. Cadastral Engineers, June 30, 1920-August 24, 1921, under special instructions for Group No. 107 dated February 12, 1920, in New Mexico. (2) SOURCE OF FUNDS. —The acquisition under paragraph (1) may be made by purchase through appropriated or donated funds, by exchange, by contribution, or by donation of land. Funds appropriated to the Secretary from the Land and Water Conservation Fund shall be available for this purpose. (3) BASIS OF SALE.— The acquisition under paragraph (1) shall be based on an appraisal done in conformity with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions and— (A) in the case of purchase, such purchase shall be on a willing seller basis for no more than the fair market value of the land or interests therein acquired; and (B) in the case of exchange, such exchange shall be for lands, or interests therein, of equal value, in conformity with the existing exchange authorities of the Secretary. (4) DEED. —The conveyance of the offered lands to the United States under this subsection shall be by general warranty or other deed acceptable to the Secretary and in conformity with applicable title standards of the Attorney General. Government (b) ADDITION OF LAND TO BANDELIER NATIONAL MONUMENT.— organization. Upon acquisition of the Baca ranch under subsection (a), the Secretary of the Interior shall assume administrative jurisdiction over