Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/378

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114 STAT. 1260 PUBLIC LAW 106-313—OCT. 17, 2000 Kids 2000 Act. SEC. 112. KIDS 2000 CRIME PREVENTION AND COMPUTER EDUCATION 42 USC 13751 INITIATIVE. note. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the "Kids 2000 Act". (b) FINDINGS. —Congress makes the following findings: (1) There is an increasing epidemic of juvenile crime throughout the United States. (2) It is well documented that the majority of juvenile crimes take place during after-school hours. (3) Knowledge of technology is becoming increasingly necessary for children in school and out of school. (4) The Boys and Girls Clubs of America have 2,700 clubs throughout all 50 States, serving over 3,000,000 boys and girls primarily from at-risk communities. (5) The Boys and Girls Clubs of America have the physical structures in place for immediate implementation of an afterschool technology program. (6) Building technology centers and providing integrated content and full-time staffing at those centers in the Boys and Girls Clubs of America nationwide will help foster education, job training, and an alternative to crime for at-risk youth. (7) Partnerships between the public sector and the private sector are an effective way of providing after-school technology programs in the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. (8) PowerUp: Bridging the Digital Divide is an entity comprised of more than a dozen nonprofit organizations, major corporations, and Federal agencies that have joined together to launch a major new initiative to help ensure that America's underserved young people acquire the skills, experiences, and resources they need to succeed in the digital age. (9) Bringing PowerUp into the Boys and Girls Clubs of America will be an effective way to ensure that our youth have a safe, crime-free environment in which to learn the technological skills they need to close the divide between yornig people who have access to computer-based information and technology-related skills and those who do not. (c) AFTER-SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY GRANTS TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF AMERICA. — (1) PURPOSES. — The Attorney General shall make grants to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America for the purpose of funding effective after-school technology programs, such as PowerUp, in order to provide— (A) constructive technology-focused activities that are part of a comprehensive program to provide access to technology and technology training to youth during after-school hours, weekends, and school vacations; (B) supervised activities in safe environments for youth; and (C) full-time staffing with teachers, tutors, and other qualified personnel. (2) SuBAWARDS.—The Boys and Girls Clubs of America shall make subawards to local boys and girls clubs authorizing expenditures associated with providing technology programs such as PowerUp, including the hiring of teachers and other