Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/1042

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114 STAT. 2064 PUBLIC LAW 106-472—NOV. 9, 2000 7 USC 243. "SEC. 4. IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF FEES. "(a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall assess persons covered by this Act fees to cover the costs of administering this Act. "(b) RATES. — The fees under this section shall be set at a rate determined by the Secretary. "(c) TREATMENT OF FEES.—All fees collected under this section shall be credited to the account that incurs the costs of administering this Act and shall be available to the Secretary without further appropriation and without fiscal year limitation. "(d) INTEREST. —Funds collected under this section may be deposited in an interest-bearing account with a financial institution, and any interest earned on the account shall be credited under subsection (c). "(e) EFFICIENCIES AND COST EFFECTIVENESS. — "(1) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall seek to minimize the fees established under this section by improving efficiencies and reducing costs, including the efficient use of personnel to the extent practicable and consistent with the effective implementation of this Act. "(2) REPORT.— The Secretary shall publish an annual report on the actions taken by the Secretary to comply with paragraph (1). 7 USC 244. " SEC. 5. QUALITY AND VALUE STANDARDS. "If standards for the evaluation or determination of the quality or value of an agricultural product are not established under another Federal law, the Secretary may establish standards for the evaluation or determination of the quality or value of the agricultural product under this Act. 7 USC 245. " SEC. 6. BONDING AND OTHER FINANCIAL ASSURANCE REQUIRE- MENTS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— As a condition of receiving a license or approval under this Act (including regulations promulgated under this Act), the person applying for the license or approval shall execute and file with the Secretary a bond, or provide such other financial assurance as the Secretary determines appropriate, to secure the person's performance of the activities so licensed or approved. "(b) SERVICE OF PROCESS.— TO qualify as a suitable bond or other financial assurance under subsection (a), the surety, sureties, or financial institution shall be subject to service of process in suits on the bond or other financial assurance in the State, district, or territory in which the warehouse is located. "(c) ADDITIONAL ASSURANCES. — If the Secretary determines that a previously approved bond or other financial assurance is insufficient, the Secretary may suspend or revoke the license or approval covered by the bond or other financial assurance if the person that filed the bond or other financial assurance does not provide such additional bond or other financial assurance as the Secretary determines appropriate. "(d) THIRD PARTY ACTIONS. — Any person injured by the breach of any obligation arising under this Act for which a bond or other financial assurance has been obtained as required by this section may sue with respect to the bond or other financial assurance in a district court of the United States to recover the damages that the person sustained as a result of the breach.