Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/1069

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PUBLIC LAW 106-474—NOV. 9, 2000 114 STAT. 2091 (5) The term "Registry version" means, with respect to a sound recording, the version of a recording first published or offered for mass distribution whether as a publication or a broadcast, or as complete a version as bona fide preservation and restoration activities by the Librarian, an archivist other than the Librarian, or the copyright legal owner can compile in those cases where the original material has been irretrievably lost or the recording is unpublished. SEC. 132. STAFF; EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS. 2 USC 1742. (a) STAFF. —The Librarian may appoint and fix the pay of such personnel as the Librarian considers appropriate to carry out this title. (b) EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS.— The Librarian may, in carrying out this title, procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the daily equivalent of the maximum rate of basic pay payable for level 15 of the (General Schedule. In no case may a member of the Board (including an alternate member) be paid as an expert or consultant under this section. SEC. 133. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. 2 USC 1743. There are authorized to be appropriated to the Librarian for each of the first 7 fiscal years beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this Act such sums as may be necessary to carry out this title, except that the amount authorized for any fiscal year may not exceed $250,000. TITLE II—NATIONAL RECORDING PRESERVATION FOUNDATION SEC. 201. NATIONAL RECORDING PRESERVATION FOUNDATION. (a) IN GENERAL. —Part B of subtitle II of title 36, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 1523 the following: "CHAPTER 1524—NATIONAL RECORDING PRESERVATION FOUNDATION "Sec. "152401. Organization. " 152402. Purposes. " 152403. Board of directors. "152404. Officers and employees. "152405. Powers. "152406. Principal office. " 152407. Provision and acceptance of support by Librarian of Congress. "152408. Service of process. "152409. Civil action by Attorney General for equitable relief. "152410. Immunity of United States Government. "152411. Authorization of appropriations. "152412. Annual report. "§ 152401. Organization "(a) FEDERAL CHARTER.— The National Recording Preservation Foundation (in this chapter, the 'corporation') is a federally chartered corporation. "(b) NATURE OF CORPORATION.— The corporation is a charitable and nonprofit corporation and is not an agency or establishment of the United States Government.