Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/108

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114 STAT. 1654A-66 PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX (D) Other activities approved by the Secretary of the Army. (11) To foster cooperation between the Department of the Army, property managers, commercial interests, and State and local agencies in the implementation of sustainable development strategies and investment in these Army arsenals. (c) CONTRACT AUTHORITY.—(1) In the case of each Army manufacturing arsenal, the Secretary of the Army may enter into contracts with commercial firms to authorize the contractors, consistent with section 4543 of title 10, United States Code— (A) to use the arsenal, or a portion of the arsenal, and the skilled workforce at the arsenal to manufacture weapons, weapon components, or related products consistent with the purposes of the program; and (B) to enter into subcontracts for the commercial use of the arsenal consistent with such purposes. (2) A contract under paragraph (1) shall require the contractor to contribute toward the operation and maintenance of the Army manufacturing arsenal covered by the contract. (3) In the event an Army manufacturing arsenal is converted to contractor operation, the Secretary may enter into a contract with the contractor to authorize the contractor, consistent with section 4543 of title 10, United States Code— (A) to use the facility during the period of the program in a manner consistent with the purposes of the program; and (B) to enter into subcontracts for the commercial use of the facility consistent with such purposes. (d) LOAN GUARANTEES.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary of the Army may guarantee the repayment of any loan made to a commercial firm to fund, in whole or in part, the establishment of a commercial activity at an Army manufacturing arsenal under this section. (2) Loan guarantees under this subsection may not be committed except to the extent that appropriations of budget authority to cover their costs are made in advance, as required by section 504 of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661c). (3) The Secretary of the Army may enter into agreements with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration or the Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration, the Administrator of the Rural Development Administration, or the head of other appropriate agencies of the Department of Agriculture, under which such Administrators may, under this subsection— (A) process applications for loan guarantees; (B) guarantee repayment of loans; and (C) provide any other services to the Secretary of the Army to administer this subsection. (4) An Administrator referred to in paragraph (3) may guarantee loans under this section to commercial firms of any size, notwithstanding any limitations on the size of applicants imposed on other loan guarantee programs that the Administrator administers. To the extent practicable, each Administrator shall use the same procedures for processing loan guarantee applications under this subsection as the Administrator uses for processing loan guarantee applications under other loan guarantee programs that the Administrator administers.