Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/171

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-129 and the public to commemorate the occasion of that anniversary with ceremonies and activities befitting its importance. Subtitle F—Matters Relating to Recruiting SEC. 561. ARMY RECRUITING PILOT PROGRAMS. (a) REQUIREMENT FOR PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of the Army shall carry out pilot programs to test various recruiting approaches under this section for the following purposes: (1) To assess the effectiveness of the recruiting approaches for creating enhanced opportunities for recruiters to make direct, personal contact with potential recruits. (2) To improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of Army recruiting activities. (b) OUTREACH THROUGH MOTOR SPORTS.—(1) One of the pilot programs shall be a pilot program of public outreach that associates the Army with motor sports competitions to achieve the objectives set forth in paragraph (2). (2) The events and activities undertaken under the pilot program shall be designed to provide opportunities for Army recruiters to make direct, personal contact with high school students to achieve the following objectives: (A) To increase enlistments by students graduating from high school. (B) To reduce attrition in the Delayed Entry Program of the Army by sustaining the personal commitment of students who have elected delayed entry into the Army under the program. (3) Under the pilot program, the Secretary of the Army shall provide for the following: (A) For Army recruiters or other Army personnel— (i) to organize Army sponsored career day events in association with national motor sports competitions; and (ii) to arrange for or encourage attendance at the competitions by high school students, teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators of high schools located near the competitions. (B) For Army recruiters and other soldiers to attend national motor sports competitions— (i) to display exhibits depicting the contemporary Army and career opportunities in the Army; and (ii) to discuss those opportunities with potential recruits. (C) For the Army to sponsor a motor sports racing team as part of an integrated program of recruitment and publicity for the Army. (D) For the Army to sponsor motor sports competitions for high school students at which recruiters meet with potential recruits. (E) For Army recruiters or other Army personnel to compile in an Internet accessible database the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and electronic mail addresses of persons who are identified as potential recruits through activities under the pilot program.