Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/232

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114 STAT. 1654A-190 PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX (1) The TRICARE region in which the project will be conducted. (2) The estimated funds required to carry out the demonstration project. (3) The criteria for determining which professional mental health counselors will be authorized to participate under the demonstration project. (4) The plan of action, including critical milestone dates, for carrying out the demonstration project. (e) REPORT.— Not later than February 1, 2003, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the demonstration project carried out under this section. The report shall include the following: (1) A description of the extent to which expenditures for reimbursement of licensed or certified professional mental health counselors change as a result of allowing the independent practice of such counselors. (2) Data on utilization and reimbursement regarding nonphysician mental health professionals other than licensed or certified professional mental health counselors under CHAMPUS and the TRICARE program. (3) Data on utilization and reimbursement regarding physicians who make referrals to, and supervise, mental health counselors. (4) A description of the administrative costs incurred as a result of the requirement for documentation of referral to mental health counselors and supervision activities for such counselors. (5) For each of the categories described in paragraphs (1) through (4), a comparison of data for a 1-year period for the area in which the demonstration project is being implemented with corresponding data for a similar area in which the demonstration project is not being implemented. (6) A description of the ways in which allowing for independent reimbursement of licensed or certified professional mental health counselors affects the confidentiality of mental health and substance abuse services for covered beneficiaries under CHAMPUS and the TRICARE program. (7) A description of the effect, if any, of changing reimbursement policies on the health and treatment of covered beneficiaries under CHAMPUS and the TRICARE program, including a comparison of the treatment outcomes of covered beneficiaries who receive mental health services from licensed or certified professional mental health counselors acting under physician referral and supervision, other non-physician mental health providers recognized under CHAMPUS and the TRICARE program, and physicians, with treatment outcomes under the demonstration project allowing independent practice of professional counselors on the same basis as other nonphysician mental health providers. (8) The effect of policies of the Department of Defense on the willingness of licensed or certified professional mental health counselors to participate as health care providers in CHAMPUS and the TRICARE program. (9) Any policy requests or recommendations regarding mental health counselors made by health care plans and managed care organizations participating in CHAMPUS or the TRICARE program.