Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/238

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114 STAT. 1654A-196 PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX "(D) How the TRICARE program and the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system can use the advancement of knowledge in medical informatics to raise the standards of health care and treatment and the expectations for improving health care and treatment.". (b) LIMITATION ON FISCAL YEAR 2001 FUNDING FOR PHARMA- CEUTICALS-RELATED MEDICAL INFORMATICS. — Of the funds authorized to be appropriated under section 301(22), any amounts used for pharmaceuticals-related informatics may be used only for the following: (J) Commencement of the implementation of a new computerized medical record, including an automated entry order system for pharmaceuticals and an infrastructure network that is compliant with the provisions enacted in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-191; 110 Stat. 1936), to make all relevant clinical information on beneficiaries under the Defense Health Program available when needed. (2) An integrated pharmacy system under the Defense Health Program that creates a single profile for all pharmaceuticals for such beneficiaries prescribed at military medical treatment facilities or private pharmacies that are part of the Department of Defense pharmacy network. SEC. 754. PATIENT CARE REPORTING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall establish a patient care error reporting and management system. (b) PURPOSES OF SYSTEM.— The purposes of the system are as follows: (1) To study the occurrences of errors in the patient care provided under chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code. (2) To identify the systemic factors that are associated with such occurrences. (3) To provide for action to be taken to correct the identified systemic factors. (c) REQUIREMENTS FOR SYSTEM.— The patient care error reporting and management system shall include the following: (1) A hospital-level patient safety center, within the quality assurance department of each health care organization of the Department of Defense, to collect, assess, and report on the nature and frequency of errors related to patient care. (2) For each health care organization of the Department of Defense and for the entire Defense health program, patient safety standards that are necessary for the development of a full understanding of patient safety issues in each such organization and the entire program, including the nature and types of errors and the systemic causes of the errors. (3) Establishment of a Department of Defense Patient Safety Center within the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, which shall have the following missions: (A) To analyze information on patient care errors that is submitted to the Center by each military health care organization. (B) To develop action plans for addressing patterns of patient care errors. (C) To execute those action plans to mitigate and control errors in patient care with a goal of ensuring that