Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/337

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-295 "9442. Status as volunteer civilian auxiliary of the Air Force. "9443. Activities performed as federally chartered nonprofit corporation. "9444. Activities performed as auxiliary of the Air Force. "9445. Funds appropriated for the Civil Air Patrol. "9446. Miscellaneous personnel authorities. "9447. Board of Governors. "9448. Regulations. "§9441. Status as federally chartered corporation; purposes "(a) STATUS.— (1) The Civil Air Patrol is a nonprofit corporation that is federally chartered under section 40301 of title 36. "(2) Except as provided in section 9442(b)(2) of this title, the Civil Air Patrol is not an instrumentality of the Federal Government for any purpose. "(b) PURPOSES.— The purposes of the Civil Air Patrol are set forth in section 40302 of title 36. "§ 9442. Status as volunteer civilian auxiliary of the Air Force "(a) VOLUNTEER CIVILIAN AUXILIARY.— The Civil Air Patrol is a volunteer civilian auxiliary of the Air Force when the services of the Civil Air Patrol are used by any department or agency in any branch of the Federal Government. "(b) USE BY AIR FORCE.—(1) The Secretary of the Air Force may use the services of the Civil Air Patrol to fulfill the noncombat programs and missions of the Department of the Air Force. "(2) The Civil Air Patrol shall be deemed to be an instrumentality of the United States with respect to any act or omission of the Civil Air Patrol, including any member of the Civil Air Patrol, in carrying out a mission assigned by the Secretary of the Air Force. "§ 9443. Activities performed as federally chartered nonprofit corporation "(a) USE OF FEDERALLY PROVIDED RESOURCES.— In its status as a federally chartered nonprofit corporation, the Civil Air Patrol may use equipment, supplies, and other resources, including aircraft, motor vehicles, computers, and communications equipment, provided to the Civil Air Patrol by a department or agency of the Federal Government or acquired by or for the Civil Air Patrol with appropriated funds (or with funds of the Civil Air Patrol, but reimbursed from appropriated funds)— "(1) to provide assistance requested by State or local governmental authorities to perform disaster relief missions and activities, other emergency missions and activities, and nonemergency missions and activities; and "(2) to fulfill its other purposes set forth in section 40302 of title 36. "(b) USE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE LAWS.— The use of equipment, supplies, or other resources under subsection (a) is subject to the laws and regulations that govern the use by nonprofit corporations of federally provided assets or of assets purchased with appropriated funds, as the case may be. " (c) AUTHORITY NOT CONTINGENT ON REIMBURSEMENT.—The authority for the Civil Air Patrol to provide assistance under subsection (a)(1) is not contingent on the Civil Air Patrol being reimbursed for the cost of providing the assistance. If the Civil Air Patrol elects to require reimbursement for the provision of assistance under such subsection, the Civil Air Patrol may establish