Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/339

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-297 "(9) authorize the payment of expenses of placing into serviceable condition, improving, and maintaining equipment (including aircraft, motor vehicles, computers, and communications equipment) owned or leased by the Civil Air Patrol; "(10) provide funds for the lease or purchase of items of equipment that the Secretary determines necessary for the Civil Air Patrol; "(11) support the Civil Air Patrol cadet program by furnishing— "(A) articles of the Air Force uniform to cadets without cost; and "(B) any other support that the Secretary of the Air Force determines is consistent with Air Force missions and objectives; and "(12) provide support, including appropriated funds, for the Civil Air Patrol aerospace education program to the extent that the Secretary of the Air Force determines appropriate for furthering the fulfillment of Air Force missions and objectives. "(c) ASSISTANCE BY OTHER AGENCIES. —(1) The Secretary of the Air Force may arrange for the use by the Civil Air Patrol of such facilities and services under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, or the head of any other department or agency of the United States as the Secretary of the Air Force considers to be needed by the Civil Air Patrol to carry out its mission. "(2) An arrangement for use of facilities or services of a military department or other department or agency under this subsection shall be subject to the agreement of the Secretary of the military department or head of the other department or agency, as the case may be. "(3) Each arrangement under this subsection shall be made in accordance with regulations prescribed under section 9448 of this title.

    • § 9445. Funds appropriated for the Civil Air Patrol

"Funds appropriated for the Civil Air Patrol shall be available only for the exclusive use of the Civil Air Patrol. "§ 9446. Miscellaneous personnel authorities "(a) USE OF RETIRED AIR FORCE PERSONNEL.—(1) Upon the request of a person retired from service in the Air Force, the Secretary of the Air Force may enter into a personal services contract with that person providing for the person to serve as an administrator or liaison officer for the Civil Air Patrol. The qualifications of a person to provide the services shall be determined and approved in accordance with regulations prescribed under section 9448 of this title. "(2) To the extent provided in a contract under paragraph (1), a person providing services under the contract may accept services on behalf of the Air Force. "(3) A person, while providing services under a contract authorized under paragraph (1), may not be considered to be on active duty or inactive-duty training for any purpose. " (b) USE OF CIVIL AIR PATROL CHAPLAINS. — The Secretary of the Air Force may use the services of Civil Air Patrol chaplains in support of the Air Force active duty and reserve component