Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/485

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-443 (2) The_Secretary of the Army seeks the transfer of 6,640 apres'orpublic domain land within the Yakima Training Center, Washington, from the Department of the Interior to the Department of the Army for mihtary training purposes. (3) The transfers provide the Department of the Air Force and the Department of the Army with complete land management control of these public domain lands to allow for effective land management, minimize safety concerns, and ensure meaningful training. (4) The Department of the Interior concurs with the land transfers at Melrose Range and Yakima Training Center. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Congress that the land transfers at Melrose Range, New Mexico, and Yakima Training Center, Washington, will support military training, safety, and land management concerns on the lands subject to transfer. DIVISION C—DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NATIONAL SECURITY AUTHORIZA- TIONS AND OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE XXXI—DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAMS SUBTITLE A—NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAMS AUTHORIZATIONS Sec.3101.National Nuclear Security Administration. Sec. 3102. Defense environmental restoration and waste management. Sec. 3103. Other defense activities. Sec. 3104. Defense environmental management privatization. Sec. 3105. Defense nuclear waste disposal. SUBTITLE B—RECURRING GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 3121. Reprogramming. Sec. 3122. Limits on general plant projects. Sec. 3123. Limits on construction projects. Sec. 3124. Fund transfer authority. Sec. 3125. Authority for conceptual and construction design. Sec. 3126. Authority for emergency planning, design, and construction activities. Sec. 3127. Funds available for all national security programs of the Department of Energy. Sec. 3128. Availability of funds. Sec. 3129. Transfers of defense environmental management funds. SUBTITLE C—PROGRAM AUTHORIZATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND LIMITATIONS Sec. 3131. Funding for termination costs of River Protection Project, Richland, Washington. Sec. 3132. Enhanced cooperation between National Nuclear Security Administration and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. Sec. 3133. Reprogramming of funds available for infrastructure upgrades or maintenance in certain accounts of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Sec. 3134. Adjustment of composite theoretical performance levels for post-shipment verification reports on advanced supercomputer sales to certain foreign nations. Sec. 3135. Modification of counterintelligence polygraph program. Sec. 3136. Employee incentives for employees at closure project facilities. Sec. 3137. Continuation of processing, treatment, and disposition of legacy nuclear materials. Sec. 3138. Contingent limitation on use of certain funds pending certifications of compliance with Formerly Utihzed Sites Remedial Action Program funding prohibition. Sec. 3139. Conceptual design for Subsurface Geosciences Laboratory at Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho.