PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-449 Project 93-D-187, high-level waste removal from filled waste tanks, Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina, $27,212,000. (C) For the Office of River Protection in carrying out environmental restoration and waste management activities necessary for national security programs, $714,139,000, to be allocated as follows: (i) For operation and maintenance, $309,619,000. (ii) For plant projects (including maintenance, restoration, planning, construction, acquisition, modification of facilities, and the continuation of projects authorized in prior years, and land acquisition related thereto), $404,520,000, to be allocated as follows: Project Ol-D-416, Tank Waste Remediation System privatization phase I, Richland, Washington, $332,000,000. Project Ol-D-403, immobilized high-level waste interim storage facility, Richland, Washington, $1,300,000. Project 99-D -403, privatization phase I infrastructure support, Richland, Washington, $7,812,000. Project 97-D-402, tank farm restoration and safe operations, Richland, Washington, $46,023,000. Project 94-D-407, initial tank retrieval systems, Richland, Washington, $17,385,000. (4) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT.—For science and technology development in carrying out environmental restoration and waste management activities necessary for national security programs, $246,548,000. (5) PROGRAM DIRECTION.— For program direction in carry- ing out environmental restoration and waste management activities necessary for national security programs, $354,988,000. (b) ADJUSTMENT.— The total amount authorized to be appropriated by subsection (a) is the sum of the amounts authorized to be appropriated by paragraphs (1) through (5) of that subsection, reduced by $84,317,000, to be derived from offsets and use of prior year balances. SEC. 3103. OTHER DEFENSE ACnvrriES. (a) IN GENERAL.— Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 2001 for other defense activities in carrying out programs necessary for national security in the amount of $543,822,000, to be allocated as follows: (1) INTELLIGENCE.— For intelligence, $38,059,000, to be allocated as follows: (A) For operation and maintenance, $36,059,000. (B) For plant projects (including maintenance, restoration, planning, construction, acquisition, modification of facilities, and the continuation of projects authorized in prior years, and land acquisition related thereto), $2,000,000, to be allocated as follows: Project Ol-D-800, Sensitive compartmented information facility, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, $2,000,000.