Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/504

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114 STAT. 1654A-462 PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX (2) The possibility of using or modifying an existing structure or facility to house a new capability for conducting mesoscale experiments. (3) The estimated construction cost of the facility. (4) The estimated annual operating cost of the facility. (5) How the facility will use, integrate, and support the technical expertise, capabilities, and requirements at other Department of Energy and non-Department of Energy facilities. (6) An analysis of costs, savings, and benefits which are unique to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. SEC. 3140. REPORT ON NATIONAL IGNITION FACILITY, LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY, LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA. (a) NEW BASELINE.—(1) Not more than 50 percent of the funds available for the national ignition facility (Project 96-D -lll) may be obligated or expended until the Administrator for Nuclear Security submits to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report setting forth a new baseline plan for the completion of the national ignition facility. (2) The report shall include— (A) the funding required for completion of the facility, set forth in detail, year by year; and (B) projected dates for the completion of program milestones, including the date on which the first laser beams are expected to become operational. (b) COMPTROLLER GENERAL REVIEW OF NIF PROGRAM. —(1) The Comptroller General shall conduct a thorough review of the national ignition facility program. (2) Not later than March 31, 2001, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives a report on the review conducted under paragraph (1). The report shall include the following: (A) An Einalysis of— (i) the role of the national ignition facility in ensuring the safety and reliability of the nuclear stockpile of the United States; (ii) the relationship of the national ignition facility program to other significant programs to sustain the nuclear stockpile of the United States; and (iii) the potential effect of delays in the national ignition facility program, and of a failure to complete significant program objectives of the program, on the other significant programs to sustain the nuclear stockpile of the United States, such as the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative Program. (B) A detailed description and analysis of the funds spent as of the date of the report on the national ignition facility program. (C) An assessment whether the new baseline plan for the national ignition facility program submitted under subsection (a) includes clear goals for that program, adequate and sustainable funding, and achievable milestones for that program. SEC. 3141. RIVER PROTECTION PROJECT, RICHLAND, WASHINGTON. (a) REDESIGNATION OF PROJECT.— The tank waste remediation system environmental project, Richland, Washington, including all