Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/53

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-11 Sec. 932. Report on number of personnel assigned to legislative liaison functions. Sec. 933. Joint report on establishment of national collaborative information analy- sis capability. Sec. 934. NetworK centric warfare. Sec. 935. Report on Air Force Institute of Technology. SUBTITLE E—OTHER MATTERS Sec. 941. Flexibility in implementation of limitation on major Department of Defense headquarters activities personnel. Sec. 942. Consolidation of certain Navy gift funds. Sec. 943. Temporary authority to dispose of a gift previously accepted for the Naval Academy. TITLE X—GENERAL PROVISIONS SUBTITLE A—FINANCIAL MATTERS Sec. 1001. Transfer authority. Sec. 1002. Incorporation of classified annex. Sec. 1003.Authorization of emergency supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2000. Sec. 1004. United States contribution to NATO common-funded budgets in fiscal year 2001. Sec. 1005. Limitation on funds for Bosnia and Kosovo peacekeeping operations for fiscal year 2001. Sec. 1006. Requirement for prompt payment of contract vouchers. Sec. 1007. Plan for prompt recording of obligations of funds for contractual transactions. Sec. 1008. Electronic submission and processing of claims for contract payments. Sec. 1009. Administrative offsets for overpayment of transportation costs. Sec. 1010. Interest penalties for late payment of interim payments due under Government service contracts. SUBTITLE B—NAVAL VESSELS AND SHIPYARDS Sec. 1011. Revisions to national defense features program. Sec. 1012. Sense of Congress on the naming of the CVN-77 aircraft carrier. Sec. 1013. Authority to transfer naval vessels to certain foreign countries. Sec. 1014.Authority to consent to retransfer of alternative former naval vessel by Government of Greece. SUBTITLE C—COUNTER-DRUG ACTIYITIES Sec. 1021. Extension of authority to provide support for counter-drug activities of Colombia. Sec. 1022. Report on Department of Defense expenditures to support foreign counterdrug activities. Sec. 1023. Recommendations on expansion of support for counter-drug activities. Sec. 1024. Review of riverine counter-drug program. Sec. 1025. Report on tethered aerostat radar system. Sec. 1026. Sense of Congress regarding use of Armed Forces for counter-drug and counter-terrorism activities. SUBTITLE D—COUNTERTERRORISM AND DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS Sec. 1031. Preparedness of military installation first responders for incidents involving weapons of mass destruction. Sec. 1032.Additional weapons of mass destruction civil support teams. Sec. 1033. Authority to provide loan guarantees to improve domestic preparedness to combat cyberterrorism. Sec. 1034. Report on the status of domestic preparedness against the threat of biological terrorism. Sec. 1035. Report on strategy, policies, and programs to combat domestic terrorism. SUBTITLE E—STRATEGIC FORCES Sec. 1041. Revised nuclear posture review. Sec. 1042. Plan for the long-term sustainment and modernization of United States strategic nuclear forces. Sec. 1043. Modification of scope of waiver authority for limitation on retirement or dismantlement of strategic nuclear delivery systems. Sec. 1044. Report on the defeat of hardened and deeply buried targets. Sec. 1045. Sense of Congress on the maintenance of the strategic nuclear triad. SUBTITLE F—MISCELLANEOUS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Sec. 1051. Management review of working-capital fixnd activities.