Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/541

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-499 (3) The term "atomic weapons employee" means an individual employed by an atomic weapons employer during a period when the employer was processing or producing, for the use by the United States, material that emitted radiation and was used in the production of an atomic weapon, excluding uranium mining and milling. (4) The term "atomic weapons employer" means an entity, other than the United States, that— (A) processed or produced, for use by the United States, material that emitted radiation and was used in the production of an atomic weapon, excluding uranium mining and milling; and (B) is designated by the Secretary of Energy as an atomic weapons employer for purposes of the compensation program. (5) The term "atomic weapons employer facility" means a facility, owned by an atomic weapons employer, that is or was used to process or produce, for use by the United States, material that emitted radiation and was used in the production of an atomic weapon, excluding uranium mining or milling. (6) The term "beryllium vendor" means any of the following: (A) Atomics International. (B) Brush Wellman, Incorporated, and its predecessor. Brush Beryllium Company. (C) General Atomics. (D) General Electric Company. (E) NGK Metals Corporation and its predecessors, Kawecki-Berylco, Cabot Corporation, BerylCo, and Beryllium Corporation of America. (F) Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation. (G) StarMet Corporation and its predecessor. Nuclear Metals, Incorporated. (H) Wyman Gordan, Incorporated. (I) Any other vendor, processor, or producer of beryllium or related products designated as a beryllium vendor for purposes of the compensation program under section 3622. (7) The term "covered beryllium employee" means the following, if and only if the employee is determined to have been exposed to beryllium in the performance of duty in accordance with section 3623(a): (A) A current or former employee (as that term is defined in section 8101(1) of title 5, United States Code) who may have been exposed to beryllium at a Department of Energy facility or at a facility owned, operated, or occupied by a beryllium vendor. (B) A current or former employee of— (i) any entity that contracted with the Department of Energy to provide management and operation, management and integration, or environmental remediation of a Department of Energy facility; or (ii) any contractor or subcontractor that provided services, including construction and maintenance, at such a facility. (C) A current or former employee of a beryllium vendor, or of a contractor or subcontractor of a beryllium vendor, during a period when the vendor was engaged in activities