Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/564

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114 STAT. 1662 PUBLIC LAW 106-399 —OCT. 30, 2000 installing and maintaining any fencing required for resource protection within the designated no livestock grazing area. (3) FORAGE REPLACEMENT. —Reallocation of available forage shall be made as follows: (A) O'Keefe pasture within the Miners Field allotment to Stafford Ranches. (B) Fields Seeding and Bone Creek Pasture east of the county road within the Miners Field allotment to Amy Ready. (C) Miners Field Pasture, Schouver Seeding and Bone Creek Pasture west of the county road within the Miners Field allotment to Roaring Springs Ranch. (D) 800 animal unit months within the Crows Nest allotment to Lowther (Clemens) Ranch. (4) FENCING AND WATER SYSTEMS. — The Secretary shall also construct fencing and develop water systems as necessary to allow reasonable and efficient livestock use of the forage resources referred to in paragraph (3). (f) PROHIBITION ON CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES.— No new facilities may be constructed on Federal lands included in the Cooperative Management and Protection Area unless the Secretary determines that the structure— (1) will be minimal in nature; (2) is consistent with the purposes of this Act; and (3) is necessary— (A) for enhancing botanical, fish, wildlife, or watershed conditions; (B) for public information, health, or safety; (C) for the management of livestock; or (D) for the management of recreation, but not for the promotion of recreation. (g) WITHDRAWAL. —Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal lands and interests in lands included in the Cooperative Management and Protection Areas are hereby withdrawn from all forms of entry, appropriation, or disposal under the public land laws, except in the case of land exchanges if the Secretary determines that the exchange furthers the purpose and objectives specified in section 102 and so certifies to Congress. 16 USC SEC. 114. LAND ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. 460nnn-24. ,.. (a) ACQUISITION.— (1) ACQUISITION AUTHORIZED.—In addition to the land acquisitions authorized by title VI, the Secretary may acquire other non-Federal lands and interests in lands located within the boundaries of the Cooperative Management and Protection Area or the Wilderness Area. (2) ACQUISITION METHODS. —Lands may be acquired under this subsection only by voluntary exchange, donation, or purchase from willing sellers. (b) TREATMENT OF ACQUIRED LANDS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— -Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), lands or interests in lands acquired under subsection (a) or title VI that are located within the boundaries of the Cooperative Management and Protection Area shall— (A) become part of the Cooperative Management and Protection Area; and