PUBLIC LAW 106-402—OCT. 30, 2000 114 STAT. 1685 (B) SPECIFIC SERVICES.— Such term includes respite care, provision of rehabilitation technology and assistive technology, personal assistance services, parent training and counseling, support for fgunilies headed by aging caregivers, vehicular and home modifications, and assistance with extraordinary expenses, associated with the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. (13) HEALTH-RELATED ACTIVITIES.—The term "healthrelated activities" means advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities having access to and use of coordinated health, dental, mental health, and other human and social services, including prevention activities, in their communities. (14) HOUSING-RELATED ACTIVITIES.— The term "housingrelated activities" means advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change activities that result in individuals with developmental disabilities having access to and use of housing and housing supports and services in their communities, including assistance related to renting, owning, or modifying an apartment or home. (15) INCLUSION.— The term "inclusion", used with respect to individuals with developmental disabilities, means the acceptance and encouragement of the presence and participation of individuals with developmental disabilities, by individuals without disabilities, in social, educational, work, and community activities, that enables individuals with developmental disabilities to-— (A) have friendships and relationships with individuals gmd families of their own choice; (B) live in homes close to community resources, with regular contact with individuals without disabilities in their communities; (C) enjoy full access to and active participation in the same community activities and t5rpes of emplo3ment as individuals without disabilities; and (D) take full advEmtage of their integration into the SEmie community resources as individuals without disabilities, living, learning, working, and enjoying life in regular contact with individuals without disabilities. (16) INDIVIDUALIZED SUPPORTS.— The term "individualized supports" means supports that— (A) enable an individual with a developmental disability to exercise self-determination, be independent, be productive, and be integrated and included in all facets of community life; (B) are designed to— (i) enable such individual to control such individual's environment, permitting the most independent life possible; (ii) prevent placement into a more restrictive living arrangement than is necessary; and (iii) enable such individual to live, learn, work, and enjoy life in the community; and (C) include— (i) early intervention services; (ii) respite care; (iii) personal assistance services;