Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/634

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114 STAT. 1732 PUBLIC LAW 106-402—OCT. 30, 2000 (1) submitting the application described in section 205 on behalf of the State; (2) administering and supervising the use of the amounts made available under the grant; (3) coordinating efforts related to and supervising the preparation of the application; (4) coordinating the planning, development, implementation (or expansion and enhgincement), and evaluation of a statewide system of family support services for families of children with disabilities among public agencies and between public agencies and private agencies, including coordinating efforts related to entering into interagency agreements; (5) coordinating efforts related to the participation by families of children with disabilities in activities carried out under a grant made under this title; and (6) submitting the report described in section 208 on behalf of the State. (b) QUALIFICATIONS.— In designating the lead entity, the Chief Executive Officer may designate— (1) an office of the Chief Executive Officer; (2) a commission appointed by the Chief Executive Officer; (3) a public agency; (4) a council established under Federal or State law; or (5) another appropriate office, agency, or entity. 42 USC 15096. SEC. 207. AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES. (a) IN GENERAL.— ^A State that receives a grant under section 204 shall use the funds made available through the grant to carry out systems change activities that accomplish the purposes of this title. (b) SPECIAL RULE. —In carr3dng out activities authorized under this title, a State shall ensure that such activities address the needs of families of children with disabilities from unserved or underserved populations. 42 USC 15097. SEC. 208. REPORTING. A State that receives a grant under this title shall prepare and submit to the Secretary, at the end of the grant period, a report containing the results of State efforts to develop and implement, or expand and enhance, a statewide system of family support services for families of children with disabilities. 42 USC 15098. SEC. 209. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Contracts. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with appropriate public or private agencies and organizations, including institutions of higher education, with documented experience, expertise, and capacity, for the purpose of providing technical assistance and information with respect to the development and implementation, or expansion and enhancement, of a statewide system of family support services for families of children with disabilities. (b) PURPOSE. —An agency or organization that provides technical assistance and information under this section in a State that receives a grant under this title shall provide the technical assistance and information to the lead entity of the State, family members of children with disabilities, organizations, service providers, and policjonakers involved with children with disabilities and their families. Such an agency or organization may also provide