Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/669

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PUBLIC LAW 106-408—NOV. 1, 2000 114 STAT. 1767 "SEC. 10. FIREARM AND BOW HUNTER EDUCATION AND SAFETY PRO- 16 USC 669h-l. GRAM GRANTS. "(a) IN GENERAL.— "(1) GRANTS.—Of the revenues covered into the fund, $7,500,000 for each of fiscal years 2001 and 2002, and $8,000,000 for fiscal year 2003 and each fiscal year thereafter, shall be apportioned among the States in the manner specified in section 4(c) by the Secretary of the Interior and used to make grants to the States to be used for— "(A) in the case of a State that has not used all of the funds apportioned to the State under section 4(c) for the fiscal year in the manner described in section 8(b)— "(i) the enhancement of hunter education programs, hunter and sporting firearm safety programs, and hunter development programs; "(ii) the enhancement of interstate coordination and development of hunter education and shooting range programs; "(iii) the enhancement of bow hunter and archery education, safety, and development programs; and "(iv) the enhancement of construction or development of firearm shooting ranges and archery ranges, and the updating of safety features of firearm shooting ranges and archery ranges; and "(B) in the case of a State that has used all of the funds apportioned to the State under section 4(c) for the fiscal year in the manner described in section 8(b), any use authorized by this Act (including hunter safety programs and the construction, operation, and maintenance of public target ranges). "(2) LIMITATION ON USE. —Under paragraph (1), a State shall not be required to use more than the amount described in section 8(b) for hunter safety programs and the construction, operation, and maintenance of public target ranges. "(b) COST SHARING. —The Federal share of the cost of any activity carried out with a grant under this section shall not exceed 75 percent of the total cost of the activity. "(c) PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY; REAPPORTIONMENT.— "(1) PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY.— Amounts made available and apportioned for grants under this section shall remain available only for the fiscal year for which the amounts are apportioned. "(2) REAPPORTIONMENT.— At the end of the period of availability under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Interior shall apportion amounts made available that have not been used to make grants under this section among the States described in subsection (a)(1)(B) for use by those States in accordance with this Act.". SEC. 113. MULTISTATE CONSERVATION GRANT PROGRAM. The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (as amended by section 112) is amended by inserting after section 10 the following: " SEC. 11. MULTISTATE CONSERVATION GRANT PROGRAM. 16 USC 669h-2. " (a) IN GENERAL.— "(1) AMOUNT FOR GRANTS.— Not more than $3,000,000 of the revenues covered into the fund for a fiscal year shall be