Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/73

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-31 (2) The possible temporary nature of such a change in population and the long-range financial impact of such a change in population on the permanent residents of the community, (3) The initial capitalization required for the services, facilities, or infrastructure to support any increase in population. (4) The operating costs for sustaining or upgrading the services, facilities, or infrastructure to support any increase in population. (5) The costs incurred by local government entities for improvements to emergency evacuation routes required by the chemical demilitarization activities. (6) Such other factors as the Secretary considers appropriate. SEC. 153. PROHIBITION AGAINST DISPOSAL OF NON-STOCKPILE CHEMICAL WARFARE MATERIAL AT ANNISTON CHEMI- CAL STOCKPILE DISPOSAL FACILITY. No funds authorized to be made available under this or any other Act may be used to facilitate the disposal using the chemical stockpile disposal facility at Anniston, Alabama, of any non-stockpile chemical warfare material that is not stored (as of the date of the enactment of this Act) at the Anniston Army Depot. TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION SUBTITLE A—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 202. Amount for basic and applied research. SUBTITLE B—^PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND LIMITATIONS Sec. 211. Management of Space-Based Infrared System—Low. Sec. 212. Joint Strike Fighter program. Sec. 213. Fiscal year 2002 joint field experiment. Sec. 214. Nuclear aircraft carrier design and production modeling. Sec. 215. DD-21 class destroyer program. Sec. 216. Limitation on Russian American Observation Satellites program. Sec. 217. Joint biological defense program. Sec. 218. Report on biological warfare defense vaccine research and development progra ms. Sec. 219. Cost limitations applicable to F-22 aircraft program. Sec. 220. Unmanned advanced capability combat aircraft and ground combat vehicles. Sec. 221. Global Hawk high altitude endxirance unmanned aerial vehicle. Sec. 222. Army space control technology development. SUBTITLE C—BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE Sec. 231. Funding for fiscal year 2001. Sec. 232. Reports on ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea. Sec. 233. Plan to modify ballistic missile defense architecture. Sec. 234. Management of Airborne Laser program. SUBTITLE D—HIGH ENERGY LASER PROGRAMS Sec. 241. Funding. Sec. 242. Implementation of High Energy Laser Master Plan. Sec. 243. Designation of senior official for high energy laser programs. Sec. 244. Site for Joint Technology Office. Sec. 245. High energy laser infrastructure improvements. Sec. 246. Cooperative programs and activities. Sec. 247. Technology plan. Sec. 248. Annual report. Sec. 249. Definition.