Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/731

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PUBLIC LAW 106-419—NOV. 1, 2000 114 STAT. 1829 amount of basic educational assistance as provided for under section 3015(g) of this title. Such contributions shall be in addition to any reductions in the basic pay of such individual under subsection (b). "(2) An individual covered by paragraph (1) may make the contributions authorized by that paragraph at any time while on active duty. "(3) The total amount of the contributions made by an individual under paragraph (1) may not exceed $600. Such contributions shall be made in multiples of $4. "(4) Contributions under this subsection shall be made to the Secretary. The Secretary shall deposit any amounts received by the Secretary as contributions under this subsection into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.". (2) Section 3012, as amended by section 102(b)(2), is amended by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection (f): "(f)(1) Any individual eligible for educational assistance under this section who does not make an election under subsection (d)(1) may contribute amounts for purposes of receiving an increased amount of basic educational assistance as provided for under section 3015(g) of this title. Such contributions shall be in addition to any reductions in the basic pay of such individual under subsection (c). "(2) An individual covered by paragraph (1) may make the contributions authorized by that paragraph at any time while on active duty. "(3) The total amount of the contributions made by an individual under paragraph (1) may not exceed $600. Such contributions shall be made in multiples of $4. "(4) Contributions under this subsection shall be made to the Secretary. The Secretary shall deposit any amounts received by the Secretary as contributions under this subsection into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.". (b) INCREASED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT.—Section 3015 is amended— (1) by striking "subsection (g)" each place it appears in subsections (a)(1) and (b)(1) and inserting "subsection (h)"; (2) by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (h); and (3) by inserting after subsection (f) the following new subsection (g): "(g) In the case of an individual who has made contributions authorized by section 3011(e) or 3012(f) of this title, the monthly amount of basic educational assistance allowance applicable to such individual under subsection (a), (b), or (c) shall be the monthly rate otherwise provided for under the applicable subsection increased by— "(1) an amount equal to $1 for each $4 contributed by such individual under section 3011(e) or 3012(f), as the case may be, for an approved program of education pursued on a full-time basis; or "(2) an appropriately reduced amount based on the amount so contributed, as determined under regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, for an approved program of education pursued on less than a full-time basis.". (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section 38 USC 30ii shall take effect on May 1, 2001. note.