Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/755

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PUBLIC LAW 106-419—NOV. 1, 2000 114 STAT. 1853 "(B) A cardiac arrest. "(C) A cerebrovascular accident.". SEC. 302. SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION FOR WOMEN VETERANS WHO LOSE A BREAST AS A RESULT OF A SERVICE-CON - NECTED DISABILITY. Section 1114(k) is amended— (1) by striking "or has suffered" and inserting "has suf- fered"; and (2) by inserting after "air and bone conduction," the following: "or, in the case of a woman veteran, has suffered the anatomical loss of one or both breasts (including loss by mastectomy),". SEC. 303. BENEFITS FOR PERSONS DISABLED BY PARTICIPATION IN COMPENSATED WORK THERAPY PROGRAM. Section 1151(a)(2) is amended— (1) by inserting "(A)" after "proximately caused"; and (2) by inserting before the period at the end the following: ", or (B) by participation in a program (known as a 'compensated work therapy program') under section 1718 of this title". SEC. 304. REVISION TO LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS OF BENEFITS TO INCOMPETENT INSTITUTIONALIZED VETERANS. Section 5503(b)(1) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A)— (A) by striking "$1,500" and inserting "the amount equal to five times the section 1114(j) rate"; and (B) by striking "$500" and inserting "one-half that amount"; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: "(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the term 'section 1114(j) rate' means the monthly rate of compensation in effect under section 1114(j) of this title for a veteran with a service-connected disability rated as total.". SEC. 305. REVIEW OF DOSE RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM OF THE 38 USC 1154 DEFENSE THREAT REDUCTION AGENCY. note (a) REVIEW BY NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.— Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall enter into a contract with the National Academy of Sciences to carry out periodic reviews of the program of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the Department of Defense known as the "dose reconstruction program". (b) REVIEW ACTIVITIES. —The periodic reviews of the dose reconstruction program under the contract under subsection (a) shall consist of the periodic selection of random samples of doses reconstructed by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in order to determine— (1) whether or not the reconstruction of the sampled doses is accurate; (2) whether or not the reconstructed dosage number is accurately reported; (3) whether or not the assumptions made regarding radiation exposure based upon the sampled doses are credible; and