Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/766

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114 STAT. 1864 PUBLIC LAW 106-419—NOV. 1, 2000 required to be submitted under any of the following: sections 503(c), 529, 541(c), 542(c), 3036, and 7312(d) of title 38, United States Code. (b) REPEAL OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS TERMINATED BY PRIOR LAW. — Sections 8111A(f) and 8201(h) are repealed. (c) SUNSET OF CERTAIN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. — (1) ANNUAL REPORT ON EQUITABLE RELIEF CASES.— Section 503(c) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: "No report shall be required under this subsection after December 31, 2004.". (2) BIENNIAL REPORT OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON FORMER PRISONERS OF WAR. —Section 541(c)(1) is amended by inserting "through 2003" after "each odd-numbered year". (3) BIENNIAL REPORT OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON WOMEN VETERANS.— Section 542(c)(1) is amended by inserting "through 2004" after "each even-numbered year". (4) BIENNIAL REPORTS ON MONTGOMERY GI BILL.— Subsection (d) of section 3036 is amended to read as follows: "(d) No report shall be required under this section after January 1, 2005.". (5) ANNUAL REPORT OF SPECIAL MEDICAL ADVISORY GROUP.— Section 7312(d) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: "No report shall be required under this subsection after December 31, 2004.". (d) COST INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED WITH EACH REPORT REQUIRED BY CONGRESS. —(1)(A) Chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new section: § 116. Reports to Congress: cost information "Whenever the Secretary submits to Congress, or any committee of Congress, a report that is required by law or by a joint explanatory statement of a committee of conference of the Congress, the Secretary shall include with the report— "(1) a statement of the cost of preparing the report; and "(2) a brief explanation of the methodology used in preparing that cost statement.". (B) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: "116. Reports to Congress: cost information.". 38 USC 116 note. (2) Section 116 of title 38, United States Code, as added by paragraph (1) of this subsection, shall apply with respect to any report submitted by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs after the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 404. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS. (a) TITLE 38. —Title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Section 1116(a)(2)(F) is amended by inserting "of disability" after "to a degree". (2) Section 1318(b)(3) is amended by striking "not later than" and inserting "not less than". (3) Section 1712(a)(4)(A) is amended by striking "subsection (a) of this section (other than paragraphs (3)(B) and (3)(C) of that subsection)" and inserting "this subsection". (4) Section 1720A(c)(l) is amended by striking "for such disability" and all that follows through "to such member" and