Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/798

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114 STAT. 1896 PUBLIC LAW 106-425—NOV. 1, 2000 by the Pueblo, shall not be treated as Indian country within the meaning of section 1151 of title 18, United States Code. (c) ACQUISITION OF FEDERAL LANDS.— Any Federal lands acquired by the Pueblo pursuant to section 5(c)(1) shall be held in trust by the Secretary for the benefit of the Pueblo, and shall be treated as Indian country within the meaning of section 1151 of title 18, United States Code. (d) LAND SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS.— Any lands acquired by the Pueblo pursuant to section 5(c), or with funds subject to section 5(b), shall be subject to the provisions of section 17 of the Act of June 7, 1924 (43 Stat. 641; commonly referred to as the Pueblo Lands Act). (e) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— Nothing in this Act or in the Settlement Agreement shall be construed to— (1) cloud title to federally administered lands or non-Indian or other Indian lands, with regard to claims of title which are extinguished pursuant to section 5; or (2) affect actions taken prior to the date of enactment of this Act to manage federally administered lands within the boundaries of the Santo Domingo Pueblo Grant. Approved November 1, 2000. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 2917: SENATE REPORTS: No. 106-506 (Comm. on Indian Affairs). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 146 (2000): Oct. 11, considered and passed Senate. Oct. 17, considered and passed House.