Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/892

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114 STAT. 1914 PUBLIC LAW 106-434—NOV. 6, 2000 25 USC 1777e. "SEC. 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. "(a) EXCHANGE OF CERTAIN LANDS WITH NEW MEXICO. — Deadline. "(1) IN GENERAL. — Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall acquire by exchange the State of New Mexico trust lands located in township 16 north, range 4 east, section 2, and all interests therein, including improvements, mineral rights and water rights. "(2) USE OF OTHER LANDS.— In acquiring lands by exchange under paragraph (1), the Secretary may utilize unappropriated public lands within the State of New Mexico. "(3) VALUE OF LANDS. —The lands exchanged under this subsection shall be of approximately equal value, and the Secretary may credit or debit the ledger account established in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Land Management, the New Mexico State Land Office, and the New Mexico Commissioner of Public Lands, in order to equalize the values of the lands exchanged. "(4) CONVEYANCE. — "(A) BY SECRETARY. —Upon the acquisition of lands under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall convey all title and interest to such lands to the Pueblo by sale, exchange or otherwise, and the Pueblo shall have the exclusive right to acquire such lands. "(B) BY PUEBLO.— Upon the acquisition of lands under subparagraph (A), the Pueblo may convey such land to the Secretary who shall accept and hold such lands in trust for the benefit of the Pueblo. "(b) OTHER EXCHANGES OF LAND. — "(1) IN GENERAL.—In order to further the purposes of this Act— "(A) the Pueblo may enter into agreements to exchange restricted lands for lands described in paragraph (2); and "(B) any land exchange agreements between the Pueblo and any of the parties to the action referred to in paragraph Deadline. (2) that are executed not later than December 31, 2001, shall be deemed to be approved. "(2) LANDS. —The land described in this paragraph is the land, title to which was at issue in Pueblo of Santo Domingo V. Rael (Civil No. 83-1888 (D.N.M.)). "(3) LAND TO BE HELD IN TRUST.—Upon the acquisition of lands under paragraph (1), the Pueblo may convey such land to the Secretary who shall accept and hold such lands in trust for the benefit of the Pueblo. "(4) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. — Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the provisions of section 5(a) relating to the extinguishment of the land claims of the Pueblo. "(c) APPROVAL OF CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS. —All agreements, transactions, and conveyances authorized by Resolutions 97-010 and C22-99 as enacted by the Tribal Council of the Pueblo de Cochiti, and Resolution S.D. 12-99-36 as enacted by the Tribal Council of the Pueblo of Santo Domingo, pertaining to boundary disputes between the Pueblo de Cochiti and the Pueblo of Santo Domingo, are hereby approved, including the Pueblo de Cochiti's agreement to relinquish its claim to the southwest corner of its Spanish Land Grant, to the extent that such land overlaps with the Santo Domingo Pueblo Grant, and to disclaim any right to