Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/905

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PUBLIC LAW 106-443—NOV. 6, 2000 114 STAT. 1927 Public Law 106-443 106th Congress An Act To extend the authority of the Los Angeles Unified School District to use certain park lands in the City of South Gate, California, which were acquired with Nov. 6, 2000 amounts provided from the land and water conservation fund, for elementary [H R 5083] school purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) In 1988, the Los Angeles Board of Education voted to close Tweedy Elementary School in the City of South Gate, California, due to concerns about health risks at the site of the school. (2) The school was temporarily relocated to South Gate Park on park land that was originally acquired with amounts provided by the Secretary of the Interior from the land and water conservation fund. (3) In March 1991, the lease with the city that allowed the Los Angeles Unified School District to operate the school on park land expired, and no progress had been made in constructing new facilities to relocate the school and its students. (4) In 1992, Congress enacted Public Law 102-443 (106 Stat. 2244), which authorized an 8-year extension in the lease for the use of the park land pending the construction of the new school. (5) This 8-year extension is due to expire on October 23, 2000, and little progress has been made on the part of the Los Angeles Unified School District to relocate Tweedy Elementary School. (6) In addition to the long-delayed Tweedy Elementary School relocation, recent studies have identified the need for additional educational facilities in the City of South Gate, including a new high school, junior high, and three primary centers in the near future. (7) The lack of commitment, oversight, and accountability in finding a new site for Tweedy Elementary School must be corrected in any further lease extension, and a similar situation also must be avoided in addressing the construction of other education facilities in the City of South Gate,