Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/923

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PUBLIC LAW 106-450—NOV. 7, 2000 114 STAT. 1945 each fiscal year for Yukon River salmon stock restoration and enhancement projects under section 207(b); and (4) $600,000 shall be available each fiscal year for cooperative salmon research and management projects in the portion of the Yukon River drainage located in the United States that are recommended by the Panel. TITLE III—FISHERY INFORMATION ACQUISITION SEC. 301. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Fisheries Survey Vessel Authorization Act of 2000". SEC. 302. ACQUISITION OF FISHERY SURVEY VESSELS. (a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may in accordance with this section acquire, by purchase, lease, lease-purchase, or charter, and equip up to six fishery survey vessels in accordance with this section. (b) VESSEL REQUIREMENTS.—Any vessel acquired and equipped under this section must— (1) be capable of— (A) staying at sea continuously for at least 30 days; (B) conducting fishery population surveys using hydroacoustic, longlining, deep water, and pelagic trawls, and other necessary survey techniques; and (C) conducting other work necessary to provide fishery managers with the accurate and timely data needed to prepare and implement fishery management plans; and (2) have a hull that meets the International Council for Exploration of the Sea standard regarding acoustic quietness. (c) AUTHORIZATION. —To carry out this section there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $60,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 and 2003. TITLE IV—MISCELLANEOUS Fisheries Survey Vessel Authorization Act of 2000. 38 USC 891b note. 33 USC 891b note. SEC. 401. FISHERIES RESEARCH VESSEL PROCUREMENT. Notwithstanding section 644 of title 15, United States Code, and section 19.502-2 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, the Secretary of Commerce shall seek to procure Fisheries Research 33 USC 891e note.