Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/932

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114 STAT. 1954 PUBLIC LAW 106-455—NOV. 7, 2000 Deadline. 16 USC 410hh-4 note. 16 USC 410hh^ note. the National Marine Fisheries Service, the International Pacific Halibut Commission, and other affected agencies shall develop a plan for a comprehensive multi-agency research and monitoring program to evaluate the health of fisheries resources in the park's marine waters, to determine the effect, if any, of commercial fishing on— (A) the productivity, diversity, and sustainability of fishery resources in such waters; and (B) park resources and values. (2) The Secretary shall promptly notify the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate and the Committee on Resources of the United States House of Representatives upon the completion of the plan. (3) The Secretary shall complete the program set forth in the plan not later than seven years after the date the congressional committees are notified pursuant to paragraph (2), and shall transmit the results of the program to such committees on a biennial basis. SEC. 4. SEA GULL EGG COLLECTION STUDY. (a) STUDY.— The Secretary, in consultation with local residents, shall undertake a study of sea gulls living within the park to assess whether sea gull eggs can be collected on a limited basis without impairing the biological sustainability of the sea gull population in the park. The study shall be completed no later than two years after the date funds are made available. (b) RECOMMENDATIONS. —I f the study referred to in subsection (a) determines that the limited collection of sea gull eggs can occur without impairing the biological sustainability of the sea giill population in the park, the Secretary shall submit recommendations for legislation to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate and the Committee on Resources of the United States House of Representatives. SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this Act. Approved November 7, 2000. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 501: SENATE REPORTS: No. 106-128 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: Vol. 145 (1999): Nov. 19, considered and passed Senate. Vol. 146 (2000): Oct. 23, considered and passed House.