Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/949

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PUBLIC LAW 106-457—NOV. 7, 2000 114 STAT. 1971 the input of chemical contaminants from all controllable sources to levels that result in no toxic or bioaccumulative impact on the living resources of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem or on human health; "(D) habitat restoration, protection, creation, and enhancement goals established by Chesapeake Bay Agreement signatories for wetlands, riparian forests, and other types of habitat associated with the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem; and "(E) the restoration, protection, creation, and enhancement goals established Ijy the Chesapeake Bay Agreement signatories for living resources associated with the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. "(2) SMALL WATERSHED GRANTS PROGRAM.— The Administrator, in cooperation with the Chesapeake Executive Council, shall— "(A) establish a small watershed grants program as part of the Chesapeake Bay Program; and "(B) offer technical assistance and assistance grants under subsection (d) to local governments and nonprofit organizations and individuals in the Chesapeake Bay region to implement— "(i) cooperative tributary basin strategies that address the water quality and living resource needs in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem; and "(ii) locally based protection and restoration programs or projects within a watershed that complement the tributary basin strategies, including the creation, restoration, protection, or enhancement of habitat associated with the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. "(h) STUDY OF CHESAPEAKE BAY PROGRAM. — "(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than April 22, 2003, and every Deadline. 5 years thereafter, the Administrator, in coordination with the Chesapeake Executive Council, shall complete a study and submit to Congress a comprehensive report on the results of the study. "(2) REQUIREMENTS.The study and report shall— "(A) assess the state of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem; "(B) compare the current state of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem with its state in 1975, 1985, and 1995; "(C) assess the effectiveness of management strategies being implemented on the date of enactment of this section and the extent to which the priority needs are being met; "(D) make recommendations for the improved management of the Chesapeake Bay Program either by strengthening strategies being implemented on the date of enactment of this section or by adopting new strategies; and "(E) be presented in such a format as to be readily transferable to and usable by other watershed restoration programs, " (i) SPECIAL STUDY OF LIVING RESOURCE RESPONSE. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— Not later than 180 days after the date Deadline, of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall commence a 5-year special study with full participation of the scientific community of the Chesapeake Bay to establish and expand understanding of the response of the living resources of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem to improvements in water quality