Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 4.djvu/601

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PUBLIC LAW 106-541—DEC. 11, 2000 114 STAT. 2663 into cooperation agreements to provide financial assistance to appropriate Federal, State, and local government agencies and appropriate nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations with expertise in wetland restoration, with the consent of the affected local government. Financial assistance provided may include activities for the implementation of wetlands restoration projects and soil and water conservation measures. "(d) IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGY. —The Secretary shall undertake development and implementation of the strategy under this section in cooperation with local landowners and local government officials. Projects to implement the strategy shall be designed to take advantage of ongoing or planned actions by other agencies, local municipalities, or nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations with expertise in wetlands restoration that would increase the effectiveness or decrease the overall cost of implementing recommended projects and may include the acquisition of wetlands, from willing sellers, that contribute to the Upper Susquehanna River basin ecosystem.". SEC. 539. CHARLESTON HARBOR, SOUTH CAROLINA. (a) ESTUARY RESTORATION.— (1) SUPPORT PLAN.— . -. (A) IN GENERAL. —Not later than 1 year after the date Deadline, of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop a plan for activities of the Corps of Engineers to support the restoration of the ecosystem of the Charleston Harbor estuary, South Carolina. (B) COOPERATION.— The Secretary shall develop the plan in cooperation with— (i) the State of South Carolina; and (ii) other affected Federal and non-Federal interests. (2) PROJECTS. — The Secretary shall plan, design, and construct projects to support the restoration of the ecosystem of the Charleston Harbor estuary. (3) EVALUATION PROGRAM. — (A) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary shall develop a program to evaluate the success of the projects carried out under paragraph (2) in meeting ecosystem restoration goals. (B) STUDIES.— Evaluations under subparagraph (A) shall be conducted in consultation with the appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies. (b) COST SHARING. — (1) DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN. —The Federal share of the cost of development of the plan under subsection (a)(1) shall be 65 percent. (2) PROJECT PLANNING, DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND EVALUATION.— The Federal share of the cost of planning, design, construction, and evaluation of a project under paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (a) shall be 65 percent. (3) NON-FEDERAL SHARE. — (A) CREDIT FOR LAND, EASEMENTS, AND RIGHTS-OF- WAY. — The Secretary shall credit the non-Federal interest for the value of any land, easement, right-of-way, dredged material disposal area, or relocation provided for carrying out a project under subsection (a)(2).