Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/138

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114 STAT. 2763A-98 PUBLIC LAW 106-554—APPENDIX B the end of the period covered by the lump sum payment, the individual shall refund an amount equal to the applicable pay covering the period between the date of reemployment and the expiration of the lump sum period. Such amount shall be deposited to the appropriation account or fund used to pay the lump sum payment. (e) The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate may prescribe regulations to carry out this section. (f) In this section, the term— (1) "employee of the Senate" means any employee whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate, except that the term does not include a member of the Capitol Police or a civilian employee of the Capitol Police; and (2) "head of the employing office" means any person with the final authority to appoint, hire, discharge, and set the terms, conditions, or privileges of the employment of an individual whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate. SEC. 7. (a) Agency contributions for employees whose salaries are disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate from the appropriations account "JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE" under the heading "JOINT ITEMS" shall be paid from the Senate appropriations account for "SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES". (b) This section shall apply to pay periods beginning on or after October 1, 2000. SEC. 8. Section 316 of Public Law 101-302 (40 U.S.C. 188b- 6) is amended— (1) in the first sentence of subsection (a) by striking "items of art, fine art, and historical items" and inserting "works of art, historical objects, documents, or material relating to historical matters for placement or exhibition"; (2) in the second sentence of subsection (a)— (A) by striking "such items" each place it appears and inserting "such works, objects, documents, or material" in each such place; and (B) by striking "an item" and inserting "a work, object, document, or material"; and (3) in subsection (b)— (A) by striking "such items of art" and inserting "such works, objects, documents, or materials"; and (B) by striking "shall" and inserting "may". HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SALARIES AND EXPENSES For salaries and expenses of the House of Representatives, $769,551,000, as follows: HOUSE LEADERSHIP OFFICES For salaries and expenses, as authorized by law, $14,378,000, including: Office of the Speaker, $1,759,000, including $25,000 for official expenses of the Speaker; Office of the Majority Floor Leader, $1,726,000, including $10,000 for official expenses of the Majority Leader; Office of the Minority Floor Leader, $2,096,000, including $10,000 for official expenses of the Minority Leader; Office of the Majority Whip, including the Chief Deputy Majority Whip, $1,466,000, including $5,000 for official expenses of the Majority