Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/714

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114 STAT. 2763A-674 PUBLIC LAW 106-554—APPENDIX I "(B) to provide for the requirement of a succinct commercialization plan with each application for a second t phase award that is moving toward commercialization; "(C) to require agencies to report to the Administration, not less frequently than annually, all instances in which an agency pursued research, development, or production of a technology developed by a small business concern using an award made under the SBIR program of that agency, and determined that it was not practicable to enter into a follow-on non-SBIR program funding agreement with the small business concern, which report shall include, at a minimum— "(i) the reasons why the follow-on funding agreement with the small business concern was not practicable; "(ii) the identity of the entity with which the agency contracted to perform the research, development, or production; and "(iii) a description of the type of funding agreement under which the research, development, or production was obtained; and "(D) to implement subsection (v), including establishing standardized procedures for the provision of information pursuant to subsection (k)(3).". SEC. 111. FEDERAL AND STATE TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP PRO- GRAM. (a) FINDINGS. —Congress finds that— (1) programs to foster economic development among small high-technology firms vary widely among the States; (2) States that do not aggressively support the development of small high-technology firms, including participation by small business concerns in the SBIR program, are at a competitive disadvantage in establishing a business climate that is conducive to technology development; and (3) building stronger national, State, and local support for science and technology research in these disadvantaged States will expand economic opportunities in the United States, create jobs, and increase the competitiveness of the United States in the world market. (b) FEDERAL AND STATE TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM.— The Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 et seq.) is amended— (1) by redesignating section 34 as section 36; and (2) by inserting after section 33 the following: "SEC. 34. FEDERAL AND STATE TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP PRO- GRAM. "(a) DEFINITIONS. —In this section and section 35, the following definitions apply: "(1) APPLICANT. — The term 'applicant' means an entity, organization, or individual that submits a proposal for an award or a cooperative agreement under this section. "(2) BUSINESS ADVICE AND COUNSELING.—The term 'business advice and counseling' means providing advice and assistance on matters described in section 35(c)(2)(B) to small business concerns to guide them through the SBIR and STTR program process, from application to award and successful completion of each phase of the program.