Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/789

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PUBLIC LAW 106-562—DEC. 23, 2000 114 STAT. 2803 (g) CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL.— The Administrator may not approve a project proposal under this section unless the project is consistent with the coral reef action strategy under section 203 and will enhance the conservation of coral reefs by— (1) implementing coral conservation programs which promote sustainable development and ensure effective, long-term conservation of coral reefs; (2) addressing the conflicts arising from the use of environments near coral reefs or from the use of corals, species associated with coral reefs, and coral products; (3) enhancing compliance with laws that prohibit or regulate the taking of coral products or species associated with coral reefs or regulate the use and management of coral reef ecosystems; (4) developing sound scientific information on the condition of coral reef ecosystems or the threats to such ecosystems, including factors that cause coral disease;

(5) promoting and assisting to implement cooperative coral reef conservation projects that involve Eiffected local communities, nongovernmental organizations, or others in the private sector; (6) increasing public knowledge and awareness of coral reef ecosystems and issues regarding their long term conservation; (7) mapping the location and distribution of coral reefs; (8) developing and implementing techniques to monitor and assess the status and condition of coral reefs; (9) developing and implementing cost-effective methods to restore degraded coral reef ecosystems; or (10) promoting ecologically sound navigation and anchorages near coral reefs. (h) PROJECT REPORTING. —Each grantee under this section shall provide periodic reports as required by the Administrator. Each report shall include all information required by the Administrator for evaluating the progress and success of the project. (i) CORAL REEF TASK FORCE.— The Administrator may consult with the Coral Reef Task Force to obtain guidance in establishing coral conservation project priorities under this section. (j) IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES.— -Within 180 days after the Deadiuie. date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall promulgate necessary guidelines for implementing this section. In developing those guidelines, the Administrator shall consult with State, regional, and local entities involved in setting priorities for conservation of cored reefs and provide for appropriate public notice and opportunity for comment. SEC. 205. CORAL REEF CONSERVATION FUND. 16 USC 6404. (a) FUND. —The Administrator may enter into an agreement with a nonprofit organization that promotes coral reef conservation authorizing such organization to receive, hold, and administer funds received pursuant to this section. The organization shall invest, reinvest, and otherwise administer the funds and maintain such funds and any interest or revenues earned in a separate interest bearing account, hereafter referred to as the Fund, established by such organization solely to support partnerships between the public and private sectors that further the purposes of this Act