Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 6.djvu/24

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XXIV LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW 106-542.... Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2001, and for other purposes. 106-543.... Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2001, and for other purposes. 106-544.... Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000 106-545.... ICCVAM Authorization Act of 2000 106-546.... DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000 106-547.... Enhanced Federal Security Act of 2000 106-548.... To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey to the town of Dolores, Colorado, the cvirrent site of the Joe Rowell Park. 106-549.... To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contract with the Mancos Water Conservancy District to use the Mancos Project facilities for impounding, storage, diverting, and carriage of nonproject water for the pwcpose of irrigation, domestic, municipal, industrial, and any other beneficial purposes. 106-550.... James Madison Commemoration Commission Act 106-551.... Chimpanzee Health Improvement, Maintenance, and Protection Act. 106-552.... To redesignate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 514 Express Center Road in Chicago, Illinois, as the "J.T. Weeker Service Center". 106-553*.. Making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other purposes. 106-554*.. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001 106-555.... Striped Bass Conservation, Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Management, and Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Act of 2000. 106-556.... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 200 South George Street in York, Pennsylvania, as the "George Atlee Goodling Post Office Building". 106-557.... Shark Finning Prohibition Act 106-558.... To amend the National Forest and Public Lands of Nevada Enhancement Act of 1988 to adjust the boundary of the Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada, and to amend chapter 55 of title 5, United States Code, to authorize equal overtime pay provisions for all Federal employees engaged in wildland fire suppression operations. 106-559.... Indian Tribal Justice Technical and Legal Assistance Act of 2000. 106-560.... Interstate Transportation of Dangerous Criminals Act of 2000. 106-561.... Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act of 2000. 106-562.... To complete the orderly withdrawal of the NOAA from the civil administration of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, and to assist in the conservation of coral reefs, and for other piirposes. 106-563.... Lincoln Highway Study Act of 2000 106-564.... To establish a standard time zone for Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and for other purposes. 106-565.... Jamestown 400th Commemoration Commission Act of 2000. DATE PAGE Dec. 11, 2000 2713 Dec. 15, 2000 2714 Dec. 19, 2000 2715 Dec. 19, 2000 2721 Dec. 19, 2000 2726 Dec. 19, 2000 2738 Dec. 19, 2000 2741 Dec. 19, 2000 2743 Dec. 19, 2000 2745 Dec. 20, 2000 2752 Dec. 20, 2000 2761 Dec. 21. 2000 2762 Dec. 21, 2000 2763 Dec. 21, 2000 2765 Dec. 21, 2000 2771 Dec. 21, 2000 2772 Dec. 21, 2000 2776 Dec. 21, 2000 2778 Dec. 21, 2000 2784 Dec. 21, 2000 2787 Dec. 23, 2000 2794 Dec. 23, 2000 2809 Dec. 2G, 2000 2811 Dec. 23, 2000 2812

  • This law contains appendixes.