Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 6.djvu/334

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114 STAT. 3390 PROCLAMATION 7351—OCT. 2, 2000 (iii) Annex (con.) 4 fibers or yams not wholly fonned in the United States cr io one or more «h-rignitf«1beneficiary countries enumerated in general note 17(a) to the tariff schedule, provided that the total weight of all suchfibersand yams ts not more than 7 percent of the totalMweight of the article. Notwithstanding subdivisioo (iipabove, an apparel article frmi^mm^ elaaomwic yams shall be eligible for prefereotial tariff treatment under Ous note only if such yams are wholly famed inttieUnited States. (b) For purposes of subdivision (a)(pabove,findingsor trimmings eligible under such subdivisian iacltide sewing thread, hooks and eyes, snaps, buttons, "bow buds", decontive lace tnm. elastic strips, uppers (including zipper tapes and labels) and other similar products. Elastic strips are consideredfindingsor trimmings only ifthey are each less than 2.S4 cm in width and used in the productioo ofbrassieres. For purposes of articles described in subheading 9820.11.06 and 9820.11.18, sewing thread shall notbe considered to befindingsor tiismtings. (c) For purposes of subdivisioa(a)(ii) above, the interiinings eligible under such subdivisian include only a chest type plate, a "hymo" piece, or *'sleeve header", of woven or weft-inserted warp knit consmiction and of coarse animal hair or nusMnade filaments. (d) For purposes ofU.S. note 7(pto subchapter n of this chapter and suUieadings 9820.11.03.9820.11.06 and 9820.11.18. an article otherwise eligible for preferential treatment under such siitihrarting<diall not be ineligible for such treatment because the article contains nylonfilamentyam (other than elastomeric yam) classifiable under subheading 5402.10.30.S402.10.60. S402.31.30, S402.31.60. S402.32.30, S402.32.60. '^ S402.41.10.5401.41.90. S402.S1.00 or 5402.61.00 of the tariff schedule that eoteredfreeof duty as a product of Israel under theterms of general note 8 to the tariff schedule or as a good ofCanada or a good of Mexico under the temis ofgeoetal note 12to die tariff schedule. For purposes of subheading 9820.11.30.goods entered under this provisioa must be certified, by a competent authority of aA*^gr<'"^ beneficiary country enumerated is geoenl note 17(a) to the tariff schedule, as eligible products of such accordance with requirements estaUidied bythe appropriate U.S. govenment authority. 9820.11.06 Articles importedfroma designated beneficiary Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership country enumerated in general note 17(a) to the tariff schedule: Apparel articles of chi^«er 61 or 62 assembled m one or SMre sudi countriesfromfabrics wholly fomied and cut in the United States, fion yams whollyformed in the United States (iaeluding fiibrics not formedfromyams, if sudi &bcics are dassifiaUe in heading S602 or S603 and are whollyfamed and cut in the Uiiited StatesXtheforegoing which (I) are embnidercd or woe subjected to stone-wadiing, eozyme-wasfaing. add wadiing, pmnapresang. oven-baking, bleaching, ganneot-dyeing. screen printing or other similar proceiies, and (2) but for sudi embroidery or precessing are ofa type otherwisedescribed in heading 9802.00.80 of the tariff schedule. , Apparel articles cutin one ormoR such coootrieifi«m&bric whollyfoRoed in die United Statesfromyams wboDy Canned in the United States (indiiding fiteics not fonoedfromyams, if sudi bbries are classifiable in beadiag 5602or S603 and are whidly formed in the United States),if sndi articles are asseaMcri in one or more sudi eonniiies with threadfiamedin theUnited States. Apparel attides (other than sodcs providedferin beading 61 IS of the tariff schedule) knittodiape in such a ooontry fion yams whollyfanned inttieUnited States knitted or erodieted ifiparel articles (except t-diirts. other than underwear, dasaifiable in subbeadiags 6109.10.00 and 6109.90.10 and desQibed in subheading 9S20.11.12) cut and «AoIly assenUed in one or more such countriesfromfabricsfixmedin one or more sudi countries orfrom&brics fomed in one or more such countries and the United States, all Oie foregoingfromyams wholly finaed in the United States (indoding Abacs not fiamed fitn yams, if siKfa fabrics areriartifiaWein headingS602cr 5603 rfthe tariff sdwtale and are fomed in one ormore such oomtries) and snbjeet to ^ provisjoos ofU.S. note 2(b)tothis «•^'^^^^*-r T-shirts, other than underwear. classifiable in TM'*"^'rt' 6109.10.00 and 6109.90.10 of the tariff schedule, made in one or more such countriesfromfabric fcmed in one or more sudi coontriesfromyams «4iolly fcmed in the United States, subject to the provisions ofU.S. note 2(c)to this subchapter Free