Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 1.djvu/625

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PUBLIC LAW 107-71—NOV. 19, 2001 115 STAT. 603 (d) COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES. — The last sentence of section 106(m) of such title is amended by striking "supplies and" and inserting "supplies, personnel, services, and". (e) SECURITY AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES.— Section 40119 of such title is amended— (1) in subsection (a) by striking "Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration" and inserting "Under Secretary of Transportation for Securit/'; (2) in subsections (b) and (c) by striking "Administrator" each place it appears and inserting "Under Secretary"; and (3) in subsection (b)(1)(C) by striking "air". (f) REFERENCES TO FAA IN CHAPTER 449.—Chapter 449 of such title is amended— (1) in section 44904(b)(5) by striking "the Administration" and inserting "the Transportation Security Administration"; (2) in the second sentence of section 44913(a)(1) by striking "of the Administration" and inserting "of the Transportation Security Administration"; (3) in section 44916(a)— (A) in the first sentence by striking "Administrator" and inserting "Under Secretary of Transportation for Security"; and (B) in the second sentence by striking "Administration" and inserting 'Transportation Security Administration"; (4) in each of sections 44933(a) and 44934(b) by striking "Assistant Administrator for Civil Aviation Security" and inserting "Under Secretary'; (5) in section 44934(b)(1) by striking "Assistant Administrator" and inserting "Under Secretary"; (6) by striking sections 44931 and 44932 and the items relating to such sections in the analysis for such chapter; (7) by striking "Administrator^' each place it appears in such chapter (except in subsections (f) and (h) of section 44936) and inserting "Under Secretar}^'; (8) by striking "Administrator's" each place it appears in such chapter and inserting "Under Secretary's"; and (9) by striking "of the Federal Aviation Administration" each place it appears in such chapter (except in section 44936(f)) and inserting "of Transportation for Securit}^'. (g) TRANSITION PROVISIONS. — (1) SCHEDULE FOR ASSUMPTION OF CIVIL AVIATION SECURITY FUNCTIONS. —Not later than 3 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security shall assume civil aviation security functions and responsibilities under chapter 449 of title 49, United States Code, as amended by this Act, in accordance with a schedule to be developed by the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with air carriers, foreign air carriers, and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. The Under Secretary shall publish an appropriate notice of the transfer of such security functions and responsibilities before assuming the functions and responsibilities. (2) ASSUMPTION OF CONTRACTS. —AS of the date specified in paragraph (1), the Under Secretary may assume the rights and responsibilities of an air carrier or foreign air carrier contract for provision of passenger screening services at airports in the United States described in section 44903(c), subject to 49 USC 44901-44906, 44911-44916, 44934-44938. 49 USC 44903. 49 USC 44902-44906, 44911-44915, 44934-44938. 49 USC 44901 note. Deadline. Notice.