PUBLIC LAW 107-87—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 839 FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, for acquisition, establishment, and improvement by contract or purchase, and hire of gdr navigation and experimental facilities and equipment as authorized under part A of subtitle VII of title 49, United States Code, including initisJ acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; engineering and service testing, including construction of test facilities and acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; construction and furnishing of quarters and related accommodations for officers and employees of the Federal Aviation Administration stationed at remote localities where such accommodations are not available; and the purchase, lease, or trsmsfer of aircraft from funds available under this heading; to be derived from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, $2,914,000,000, of which $2,536,900,000 shall remain avsiilable until September 30, 2004, and of which $377,100,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2002: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, cotuities, municipalities, other public authorities, and private sources, for expenses incurred in the establishment and modernization of air navigation facilities: Provided further, That upon initial submission to the Congress of the fiscal year 2003 President's budget, the Secretary of Transportation shall transmit to the Congress a comprehensive capital investment plan for the Federal Aviation Administration which includes funding for each budget line item for fiscal yeeirs 2003 through 2007, with total funding for each year of the pleui constrained to the funding targets for those years as estimated and approved by the Office of Management and Budget: Provided further, That the amount herein appropriated shall be reduced by $100,000 per day for each day after initial submission of the President's budget that the plan has not been submitted to the Congress. -
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'^^ FAdLiTiES AND EQUIPMENT (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) (RESCISSION) , Of the available baleinces under this heading, $15,000,000 are rescinded. RESEARCH, ENGINEERING, AND DEVELOPMENT (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND) For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, for research, engineering, and development, as authorized under part A of subtitle VII of title 49, United States Code, including construction of experimental facilities and acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant, $195,000,000, to be derived from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund and to remain available until September 30, 2004: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation funds received from States, counties, miuiicipalities, other public authorities, and private sources, for expenses incmred for research, engineering, and development.