Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/1014

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115 STAT. 1998 PUBLIC LAW 107-llO^JAN. 8, 2002 origin or a school requested by the parent or guardian; and "(iii) in the case of an unaccompanied youth, ensure that the homeless liaison designated under paragraph (l)(J)(ii) assists in placement or enrollment decisions under this subparagraph, considers the views of such unaccompanied youth, and provides notice to such youth of the right to appeal under subparagraph (E). "(C) ENROLLMENT.— (i) The school selected in accordance with this paragraph shall immediately enroll the homeless child or youth, even if the child or youth is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment, such as previous academic records, medical records, proof of residency, or other documentation. "(ii) The enrolling school shall immediately contact the school last attended by the child or youth to obtain relevant academic and other records. "(iii) If the child or youth needs to obtain immunizations, or immunization or medical records, the enrolling school shall immediately refer the parent or guardian of the child or youth to the local educational agency liaison designated under paragraph (l)(J)(ii), who shall assist in obtaining necessary immunizations, or immunization or medical records, in accordance with subparagraph (D). "(D) RECORDS.— Any record ordinarily kept by the school, including immunization or medical records, academic records, birth certificates, guardianship records, and evaluations for special services or programs, regarding each homeless child or youth shall be maintained— "(i) so. that the records are available, in a timely fashion, when a child or youth enters a new school or school district; and "(ii) in a manner consistent with section 444 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232g). "(E) ENROLLMENT DISPUTES.—If a dispute arises over school selection or enrollment in a school— "(i) the child or youth shall be immediately admitted to the school in which enrollment is sought, pending resolution of the dispute; "(ii) the parent or guardian of the child or youth shall be provided with a written explanation of the school's decision regarding school selection or enrollment, including the rights of the parent, guardian, or youth to appeal the decision; "(iii) the child, youth, parent, or guardian shall be referred to the local educational agency liaison designated under paragraph (l)(J)(ii), who shall carry out the dispute resolution process as described in paragraph (1)(C) as expeditiously as possible after receiving notice of the dispute; and "(iv) in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the homeless liaison shall ensure that the youth is immediately enrolled in school pending resolution of the dispute.