Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/1034

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115 STAT. 2018 PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 "(g) GENERAL USE OF FUNDS. — Funds received by Bureaufunded schools from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and under any program from the Department of Education or any other Federal agency, for the purpose of providing education or related services may be used for schoolwide projects to improve the educational program for all Indian students. "(h) STUDY ON ADEQUACY OF FUNDS AND FORMULAS.— "(1) STUDY.— The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a study to determine the adequacy of funding, and formulas used by the Bureau to determine funding, for programs operated by Bureau-funded schools, taking into account unique circumstances applicable to Bureau-funded schools. The study shall analyze existing information gathered and contained in germane studies that have been conducted or are currently being conducted with regard to Bureau-funded schools. "(2) ACTION. —Upon completion of the study, the Secretary of the Interior shall take such action as necessary to ensure distribution of the findings of the study to all affected Indian tribes, local school boards, and associations of local school boards. 25 USC 2002. "SEC. 1122. NATIONAL CRITERIA FOR HOME-LIVING SITUATIONS. " (a) REVISION OF STANDARDS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, Indian organizations and tribes, and Bureau-funded schools, shall revise the national standards for home-living (dormitory) situations to include such factors as heating, lighting, cooling, adult-child ratios, needs for counselors (including special needs related to off-reservation homeliving (dormitory) situations), therapeutic programs, space, and privacy. "(2) IMPLEMENTATION. —Such standards shall be implemented in Bureau-operated schools, and shall serve as minimum standards for contract or grant schools. "(3) REVISION AFTER ESTABLISHMENT.—Once established, any revisions of such standards shall be developed according to the requirements established under section 1137. "(b) IMPLEMENTATION. —The Secretary shall implement the revised standards established under this section immediately upon completion of the standards. " (c) PLAN. — Federal Register, "(1) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall submit to the appropublication, priate committees of Congress, the tribes, and the affected schools, and publish in the Federal Register, a detailed plan to bring all Bureau-funded schools that provide home-living (dormitory) situations up to the standards established under this section. "(2) COMPONENTS OF PLAN.—The plan described in paragraph (1) shall include— "(A) a statement of the relative needs of each Bureaufunded home-living (dormitory) school; "(B) projected future needs of each Bureau-funded home-living (dormitory) school; "(C) detailed information on the status of each school in relation to the standards established under this section;