Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/483

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PUBLIC LAW 107-110-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1467 and shall remain in effect for the duration of the agency's participation under this part. "(3) REVIEW.—Each local educational agency shall periodically review and, as necessary, revise its plan. "(e) STATE APPROVAL.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— Each local educational agency plan shall be filed according to a schedule established by the State educational agency. "(2) APPROVAL. —The State educational agency shall approve a local educational agency's plan only if the State educational agency determines that the local educational agency's plan— "(A) enables schools served under this part to substantially help children served under this part meet the academic standards expected of all children described in section 1111(b)(1); and "(B) meets the requirements of this section. "(3) REVIEW.— The State educational agency shall review the local educational agency's plan to determine if such agencies activities are in accordance with sections 1118 and 1119. "(f) PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITY.—The local educational agency plan shall reflect the shared responsibility of schools, teachers, and the local educational agency in making decisions regarding activities under sections 1114 and 1115. " (g) PARENTAL NOTIFICATION.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— "(A) NOTICE. —Each local educational agency using Deadline, funds under this part to provide a language instruction educational program as determined in part C of title III shall, not later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year, inform a parent or parents of a limited English proficient child identified for participation or participating in, such a program of— "(i) the reasons for the identification of their child as limited English proficient and in need of placement in a language instruction educational program; "(ii) the child's level of English proficiency, how such level was assessed, and the status of the child's academic achievement; "(iii) the methods of instruction used in the program in which their child is, or will be participating, and the methods of instruction used in other available programs, including how such programs differ in content, instructional goals, and the use of English and a native language in instruction; "(iv) how the program in which their child is, or will be participating, will meet the educational strengths and needs of their child; "(v) how such program will specifically help their child learn English, and meet age-appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation; "(vi) the specific exit requirements for the program, including the expected rate of transition from such program into classrooms that are not tailored for limited English proficient children, and the expected rate of graduation from secondary school for such program